
Hammer every hand shake so people remember you. Remember, you only have one chance to make a first impression.

Word. Firm handshake for guys, a bit softer for the ladies.

Nothing is worse than being given a limp handshake.

I swear you can tell the quality of a man by his shake.

lol @ people who keep shaking your hand for 20seconds

allow thumb webbing to interlock before applying even firm pressure.

premature squeezers are usually people with smallman syndrome, or an otherwise general lack of self-awareness.

Hahahahahahahaha this thread is cracking me up… Ill add in something I cant stand… ok you go to shake someones hand… you think its done, so you go to pull away, but then they pull you back in. Its as if nobody wants to talk to them so they hold onto you for as long as they can. Usually happens to me with the older crowd, mainly one of my fathers friends

lol, where the shake ends, but they continue to hold your hand and talk

I shake a girl’s hand more firm, while grunting, and preferably simultaneously drinking a Genny light.

lol this is too funny…

I know a guy who has massive gorilla paws AND does the premature squeeze. Crushes your fingers together and shit. You dont even stand a chance in getting a fair shake in before he molests your hand and leaves it for dead.

dead fish is bad too, but cold & clammy dead fish is worse.

the 20-30 second hand shake definately sucks…then they stand there with you, just holding your hand and talking with you. like ugggghhh can we let go of eachothers hands now?

Yeah that sucks a lot. Mainly because you gave up your firm grip and it’s awkward to grab a hold again. And then you have the choice of restarting the shake or being like that limp wrist asshole you met the night prior.:tdown:

everyone should just hug.

And you are surprised with the way you dress ? haha

I don’t much enjoy shaking hands with black people. (not in a business scene, but just an acquaintance from school or something when I used to go since they all lived in the city)
because they like add all these slaps and hugs and weird shit on the end.
Confuses the living fuck out of me and makes me feel like a tard because I’m white and can’t follow.

lol ive had the opposite happen to me^

I put my ass into it everytime.

Prove I am a man from the get go.


you dont know how to give daps?

:word: Last time I saw evolve out he did that shake to me for 9 minutes at the bar.

really? can I get in on that? :touchy:

we took shots while doing it too :tup:

I’ve actually made people do it again… just so they could do it right. Nobody feels good after a bad shake.

I harassed a guy at work because he wanted to shake my hand and held his out like the fucking queen of england. I called him out on it and he got pissed. I have man-hands, so he didn’t try to make a scene… but it straightened him out.

a good handshake can’t be fake… I hate when people take your hand then squeeze the hell out of it… the handshake must be firm and consistent.

I can’t stand fggy handshakes. You ever see a person of high authority or status and he/she shakes like a wuss? So disappointing.