hang out at the my "new lot" friday 9pm

it gon rain

CAPS LOCK=cruise control for cool



PS- If there are CPD reading this thread… We’re not hanging out in Colonie anymore, so don’t waste your time.

I mean you guys meet in the middle of pig central. You need to go out to the middle of nowhere like knox or berne. The cops are more relaxed u there and there are way better roads up there to do the Deal.

Section 240.35 Loitering
A person is guilty of loitering when he:

  1. Loiters, remains or wanders about in a public place for the purpose of begging; or
  2. Loiters or remains in a public place for the purpose of gambling with cards, dice or other gambling paraphernalia; or
  3. Loiters or remains in a public place for the purpose of engaging, or soliciting another person to engage, in oral sexual conduct, anal sexual conduct, or other sexual behavior of a deviate nature; or
  4. Being masked or in any manner disguised by unusual or unnatural attire or facial alteration, loiters, remains or congregates in a public place with other persons so masked or disguised, or knowingly permits or aids persons so masked or disguised to congregate in a public place; except that such conduct is not unlawful when it occurs in connection with a masquerade party or like entertainment if, when such entertainment is held in a city which has promulgated regulations in connection with such affairs, permission is first obtained from the police or other appropriate authorities; or
  5. Loiters or remains in or about school grounds, a college or university building or grounds or a children’s overnight camp as defined in section one thousand three hundred ninety-two of the public health law or a summer day camp as defined in section one thousand three hundred ninety two of the public health law, or loiters, remains in or enters a school bus as defined in section one hundred forty-two of the vehicle and traffic law, not having any reason or relationship involving custody of or responsibility for a pupil or student, or any other specific, legitimate reason for being there, and not having written permission from anyone authorized to grant the same or loiters or remains in or about such children’s overnight camp or summer day camp in violation of conspicuously posted rules or regulations governing entry and use thereof; or
    6. Loiters or remains in any transportation facility, unless specifically authorized to do so, for the purpose of soliciting or engaging in any business, trade or commercial transactions involving the sale of merchandise or services, or for the purpose of entertaining persons by singing, dancing or playing any musical instrument; or
    7. Loiters or remains in any transportation facility, or is found sleeping therein, and is unable to give a satisfactory explanation of his presence.
    Loitering is a violation.

Section 240.36 Loitering in the first degree
A person is guilty of loitering in the first degree when he loiters or remains in any place with one or more persons for the purpose of unlawfully using or possessing a controlled substance, as defined in section 220.00 of this chapter.
Loitering in the first degree is a class B misdemeanor.

Section 240.37 Loitering for the purpose of engaging in a prostitution offense

  1. For the purposes of this section, “public place” means any street, sidewalk, bridge, alley or alleyway, plaza, park, driveway, parking lot or transportation facility or the doorways and entrance ways to any building which fronts on any of the aforesaid places, or a motor vehicle in or on any such place.
  2. Any person who remains or wanders about in a public place and repeatedly beckons to, or repeatedly stops, or repeatedly attempts to stop, or repeatedly attempts to engage passers-by in conversation, or repeatedly stops or attempts to stop motor vehicles, or repeatedly interferes with the free passage of other persons, for the purpose of prostitution, or of patronizing a prostitute as those terms are defined in article two hundred thirty of the penal law, shall be guilty of a violation and is guilty of a class B misdemeanor if such person has previously been convicted of a violation of this section of sections 230.00 or 230.05 of the penal law. 3. Any person who remains or wanders about in a public place and repeatedly beckons to, or repeatedly stops, or repeatedly attempts to stop, or repeatedly attempts to engage passersby in conversation, or repeatedly stops or attempts to stop motor vehicles, or repeatedly interferes with the free passage of other persons, for the purpose of promoting prostitution as defined in article two hundred thirty of the penal law is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.

bowtiedude = 94 camaro = elantraGT = BAN

= elantragt = BAN plz

Plz dont hate. I am tryin to stick up for ya all…

I think we’re fine

Why should i be banned???


because you made 3 user names within 2 days. your first 20posts on a site shouldnt be calling people out and causing trouble.

I am interested in cars thats all. I talk a little smack but so do the rest of you. Sorry if i annoyed anyone. Not trying to. Just please stop banning me. I came to this site to learn more about cars.

so mk4 30r what have I seriously done in a while to be banned im trying to turn a new leaf and be mature, like seriously man…:wtf

I want to get these things moving. I want to learn what I can do to them. You guys are very knowledgeable. I can learn from ya.

learn what, how to use a dildo…:eek

seriously tho. please specify that was like a rim thread with no pictures of the rims!:ahh


look at it this way, you dont walk into a crowded bar inwhich youve never been to and call out on of the biggest dudes there do you? NO.

so watch what youre doing here. a good place to start is the introductions thread. who are you, where youre from, what you drive.

I dont think anybody wants to hang out in the middle of fucking nowhere where the men are men and the sheep run scared.

Maybe if we were into John Deeres or something we’d go up there but we’re into cars instead.

i got him fired up ,not totally his fault :lol