hang out at the my "new lot" friday 9pm

I am very upset I cannot drift closely and erraticly to very nice cars parked in said new lot :’(


I kid I kid

Justin if you fuck this up for us I will proceed to run over your nuts in your own car while busting it sideways

+1, sometimes there isn’t anymore parking in the upper old lot at MC’d. I had to park my car WAYYY over by otooles and I was scurred it was going to get dorifto’d into.

i know. in the years i’ve been visiting numerous locations nobody came up to me and told me to cut the dumb shit out. i dont fly in dorifto style, i dont go WOT in the lot or even leaving the lot. i just pull in and go talk to people. i dont race people and i dont bring in trouble to the lot. ive never left trash anywhere i’ve gone. i have a water bottle with me sometimes but that goes right back in the car. high post or not, you wouldnt have to worry about me doing anything stupid in any lot. im actually greatfull that theres spots we can still do this and i do my part not to fuck it up for the rest of the people that go.

So am i correct in saying that even after ALL the bullshit that’s happened at McDonalds etc a few of you fucking retards are bringing the SAME BS down to the new spot?!?!?! :banghead:banghead


wasnt just me relax, and it was raining so you wont find tire marks

I heard a few members on here were doing burnouts and playing with their anti-lag friday night?

Doesnt matter if it was JUST YOU you were apart of it

stop the shananigans before i punch you in the dick

yea both r broke… o well shit happens fuck it, im just takin it out of the back of the truck and puttin it in the garage till i feel like fuxing with it…

I could give a fuck WHO else it was. Fact is you were stupid enough to do it, and then stupid enough to post about it. Go back to Kohls with the fucking PRs where you belong. :retardclap

i have hung out with you before man… my post wasn’t really aimed towards you… it was a general satement… althought no one else will say it you are one of the ok guys

i don’t care if everyone there that night was doing it… if i’m there and you pull that shit i will walk over to your car and tell you to leave and not come back

as for the anti-lag statement… i have already told the “cocky dousche bag” to never do that shit again

i can say i was there last night… but was no part of the “drifting”… i can say thou i tried once but failed and just drove around the corner and parked the truck

oh, i know its not aimed at me. i agree with you tho. if theres going to be a new spot, i wouldnt want it ruined by somebody’s silly antics.

mini-bike antics were where it was at! spittin flames shiftin 2nd ftw!!!

so instead of PRs on mini-bikes there are stupid white kids on mini-bikes. awesome. i definitely will not be making it down.

50’s and pit bikes are ok there… it’s actually a great spot for them

no wayne this place is about the size of 4 or 5 football feilds… it’s massive, there is parking for atleast 200 cars there… you can park at one end where everyone parks and the 50’s can be on the completely other side of the place… it’s not cramed like the McD’s lot was

kinda is but i never rode it… its not like they leave marks from anything and we only rode it around for like 20 minutes if that… and also have to say sorry for all the antics that happened last night, i totally agree with having a nice spot to hang out and no idiots coming in and just wrecking the place

+1 haha may not be as entertaining as weaving around the clusterfuck of ricers but definitly a good spot.

nice! in that case i’ll have to get a pit bike! lol