hang out at the my "new lot" friday 9pm

i’m game for another friday night meet up but i know LVD has a drift event this friday… not sure what time people will beable to get there from the event but i would deff be down for a friday hang out again

if u guys will be there friday ill stop by after lvd… ill bring the pit bike down if u guys wanna ride around on it down at the end of the parking lot

I’ll stop by after the event since it ends around 10 I think. If my car isn’t wrecked :lol


brew jim and wayne haz PM’s

I was waiting for this to happen.

This isn’t the place for hot dogging and dicking around. Don’t even bother showing up, honestly. If we all behave (like we were the night I was there), this will attract the more serious car crowd with the nicer cars and like brew said not the idiots with 89 civics with Megan Catbacks that think they have a serious ride.

I like this new spot a lot as well as the crowd that was there. The reason I never really came to the lot was because of the atmosphere, I didn’t trust my car being there nor did I like 90% of the idiots that went there…so I didn’t go.

Keep the drifting and other nonsense at the lot where CPD will be waiting for ya.

“hot dogging” :rofl

I actually was eating a Nathan’s hot dog as I was typing that. haha

fuck it, i’ll just post the PM i sent to brew, wayne, jim, and now chris. no reason not to, it’s not a secretive thing, but here it is

Hey Brew-

About last night. Yes, I was there, yes, there was a small amount of “drifting” going on, yes, I was a part of that, and yes, I know that it was not posted in the thread that I was a part of it and that I’m kind of throwing myself under the bus here.

Please understand that this is what happened last night, I’m a straight-forward guy and don’t like shit going on behind my back, so I figured you don’t want shit going on behind yours.

Myself and ~5 other people were hanging out at the car wash on western trying to figure out something to do because it was going to rain. The “spot” naturally came up in discussion because it’s under a huge bridge, etc.

McFlurry brought his 50cc which we were riding around for a little and just shooting the shit hanging out like we were doing on friday when I was with you guys there. There were 5-6 cars there and they were our cars and there was no one else there, it’s not like what the PR’s do (or did) in the lower lot drifting and having burnout competitions and shit with 50 cars within 20 ft of them, it was 100% empty other than my car and the 4 or 5 other cars there.

The “drifting” only came about because there was absolutely no one driving by, like it was eerily quiet. Also, the ground had a good coat of water on it from all the rain, and it was loud as HELL with all of the rain and thunder, it was actually pretty hard to carry on a conversation at some points. I can guarantee that none of this would have happened if it were not completely dead in that area, the lot wasn’t empty, and it wasn’t CRAZY loud.

I drove by just now because I was in the area and even though it was filled with state workers or whoever parks there, I could clearly see that there was not one tire mark. Like I said, it was soaking wet and we weren’t having brakestand competitions, just sliding around a bit.

I’m not trying to downplay what happened last night, it was definitely stupid and I regret being a part of it, but it wasn’t quite as stupid as it seems and I hope you realize that now.

Why am I taking the time to type all of this? Mainly because I feel bad. I know this has been your spot for a while now with zero issues and it would be very selfish and stupid of myself/others to ruin it within a week or two of you “inviting” us there. I also don’t like to have shit on my shoulders, so here it is, the truth of last night, off my shoulders and into the open. Lastly, it’s my birthday and I’m bored as fuck :rofl

Once again, sorry, and it won’t happen again, at least not under my watch :slight_smile:


Wayne and Jim, I’m also sending this to you guys because I don’t want you to get the wrong idea of what happened, it was not lower lot antics with drifting and doing burnouts in front of other cars, like I said, there were 5-6 cars in the, what, 150+ spot parking lot? You guys are “key” characters in this little “scene” that we have going on here and I wouldn’t want what myself and a few friends did on a rainy Sunday night to have any effect on where you hang out, where we hang out, and what you think of myself.

so ya. there it is.

^ wow you’re such a PR :Idiots


ill bring it down only if i get the ok from brew

You can bring it but I wouldn’t be riding it around there…

There are cops that cruise the area once in a while. I wouldn’t ride anything around in there that has a loud exhaust, it may attract some attention going WOT ona straight piped fiddy all night long

That and it gets annoying after about 30 seconds.

if you wreck it you can ride down to the lot with me. you know i’m going to support the dorifto homie who’s had a rough month! :thumbup:thumbup:thumbup:thumbup

No different than a 4 stroke dirt bike…

personally, i could listen to nice loud braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap all night long. kinda makes me miss the quad :frowning:

I know, but when you are trying to have a conversation with someone and you have to yell and go “WHAT!” because all you hear is the bike, well, it gets annoying. lol

yea i can agree with that. definitely a difference between reasonable loud and annoying. if i can’t talk, it’s annoying.

it’s really not that loud, especially because the area is so open.