Hang these ***holes too



definitely a bizarre case…

I would like to see what comes out of it…no bombs found

nothing really makes sense either. I am not sure if its the media’s twist on the story or if the kids were just up to no good.

seems like stupidity to me though. just bad idea on their part.

I agree…but it may sound out of line but I think their heritage is what makes a lot of people think they were up to some shady shit.

this doesnt look good either

Although explosives-sniffing canines found nothing of interest around the football stadium, an affidavit said the dogs registered two separate “positive hits for explosives” in the Lexus sport utility vehicle the men were driving.

Yeah I feel the same…plus I feel it is good that we have chosen to take that extra step as part of security since 9/11 but I think that it may be possible that the minute these men where found ( and obviously not American --shall I suggest what there nationality IS ) that they were immediatly seen to been terrorists. If these men where white or of a different nationality would the police have seen it as such a threat??

They may have very well been up to no good but I just wonder sometimes.


  1. Sudeep and Anand sound more like Indian names to me. They are probably Hindu, if anything.

  2. From their ages, there is a good chance that their parents immigrated to this country legally and that they were born here. That would make them Americans.

Our families were all immigrants at one time or another. It’s not a good idea to make judgements on their heritage or nationality, based on their obvious “brown-ness.”

I can understand the cops’ perspective in the middle of the night. But, now that they are apprehended, we should not assume they are terrorists.

I wonder if the dogs would think fireworks are explosive material. :dunno:


but if a white guy, a black guy, and an arab looking guy all get onto a plane holding a big suitcase, who are you going to suspect has the bomb?

none of them.

good answer, mr. politically correct. :D:D:D

they both need to get a lawyer. according to the 6pm news, the charges have been dropped to tresspassing, but yet their bond is still set at a million each, cash.

dumb fucks.

Morgan Hill, CA… that’s about 10 minutes from my place in Gilroy. Weird.


if it was sleeper and I doin this we would be sitting at home in the warmth of our houses right now. but i still see it weird for people so smart (honor students at their school) to do something so f’n dumb

While you where all sitting at home bitching about Ben they where the only ones who had the balls to do something about it…:rofl:

Yea it was really stupid of them and the media blew it up but they will get their justice its not like a judge is going to be like oh u look like a terrorist ur getting life in prision. Their bond was set on the supposition that they where there to do great harm and at the time that was fair. Its not like they where a pair of 18 year olds from greenfield wearing terry bradshaw jerserys smuggling in a case of iron city to drink on the 50. That would have been okay, these guys where being shady.

in pittsburgh airport

the white guy…

supposedly working on a video project for school…and the camera they where useing can sometimes attrack bomb sniffing dogs

either way there dumbass and in this day in age you just dont do shit like that be it indain black hindu pewterss muslem white
