+2 best of wishes


quick update on jeep fired body guy yesterday and now looking for new one!!!

when it rains it pours!!!

interested in the position hank. please clue me in via p.m. if you wish. thanks.

i’ll put this out there b4 i pm anyone!!

i’ve been trying to find a good RELIABLE body guy!!1 that will come to my shop to work when needed most projects can’t be moved most of time!!! or i just dont or am not willing to hall away!!1 i like to keep an eye on stuff. not meaning i’m over ur shoulder. but that i can just check on periodically in my own shop. i have had guys take and when i call them and ask how it’s going they say great but can never make a deadline. and when i go to there shop to check it out the scramble begins when i pull into there parking lot!!

so long and the short is i need some one reliable that will arrive and do a project in a timely fashion. my ultimate goal is to have a couple people that speacialize in certain aspects of aout’s and keep everything in house. i’m not looking to be any one’s boss or baby sitter. if u fuck it up it’s on u to make it right were all grown ups (sumtimes LOL ) and know right from wrong and what looks good and doesn’t.

if i dont seem to much like an ASSHOLE u can call me or pm me and we can over details.

OOOHH and i usualy have a shit load of work like this, but turn it down!! so if u do sign up bring ur A game!!!this isn’t vo-tec!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

will most likely be calling you tomorrow before work when i actually have a minute to talk with you. ;D if not i will p.m. you. thanks again.

Hank is good people.

thanks V. but lets not tell everyone ;D

here’s sum new pix. 300 plus hrs at this point!! 5 to 10 to go!!! :confused

…i’m a lil furhter long than this. should have sum more pix tomorrow. if all goes well i should of to get it inspected bt noon time.

it’s been a lil road and i’m glad to say i wont be sorry when i have all that extra free space in the shop.

except now there’s red Hoooonda in my way. ya thats right u know who u r!!! ;D

:wow that looks good

wow that is f’in sickkkkkkk i know mine aint gonna come out newheres near that

wow :wow that thing came out absolutely sick!!

well it’s not completely done yet still a few more do dads to put on. and need to do sum up grades to the electrical system. winch under no load practially draws batt right out. and thats a new optima 900cca , deep cycle !! lol gonna switch all wires out to 4 ga and add another batt.

i was hoping it was nice out today to get it out side and take a few decent pix.
i wanted to take it to get inspected also today . but couldn’t bring myself to take it out in this beautiful weather!!lol

but thanks for all the good comments

Damn, thats gonna take some balls to scratch up all that beautiful paint. Want me to do it? ;D

paint is only beautiful from doors back !! he only had the back half painted.???

he’s already said it’s only staying clean for 1 week and then going to get muddy in PA!!

could you take and shitter pictures :lol the bluy pics make it look fast! LOL :lmao

bubbye!!! :banana
