Really nice work, I love the colors that were used
saw this thing down off rt7 in schdy. Noticed the frame first (nice color) and then the guy stepped on it and then backed into a driveway (guessing his house)
yeah he lives right off rt7.
YJ!!! Nice Work
looks like it all came together hank, and i bet you aren’t sad to see it go, by any means!!! :crackup
can’t be sad to see it go. it’s a fahking boomarang. be back monday for a tranny rebuild… :idiots
oh man… i’m feelin for ya dude… :headbang
that looks like a fun build.
that thing came out sooo sweet!..nice work on it hank :thumb
Good work. Its about time that thing is gone… Now get back to that Camaro :tong
nice job on the jeep :banana
sick hank sick!
boomerang. it’s all FAHKED UP ALL READY. FAHKING KIDS!!! :idiots
this isnt the shop that nick does his body work in is it? its right next to brooks right?
yes i’m right next to Brooks. :nod
NO :idiots this is not the shop Nick works in !!!
now i remember, its this one i posted about in the sightings thread