Happiest U.S. States Pinned Down

Ever wondered if you’d be happier in sunny Florida or snow-covered Minnesota? New research on state-level happiness could answer that question.

Florida and two other sunshine states made it to the Top 5, while Minnesota doesn’t show up until number 26 on the list of happiest states. In addition to rating the smile factor of U.S. states, the research also proved for the first time that a person’s self-reported happiness matches up with objective measures of well-being
A new study found that a person’s self-reported happiness matches up with objective measures of state-level happiness.

The results are based on an examination of two data sets, one that included personal reports of happiness for 1.3 million Americans and the other that included objective measures, such as how crowded that state is, air quality, home prices and other factors known to impact quality of life.

Here are the 50 U.S. states (and the District of Columbia) in order of their well-being:

  1. Louisiana
  2. Hawaii
  3. Florida
  4. Tennessee
  5. Arizona
  6. Mississippi
  7. Montana
  8. South Carolina
  9. Alabama
  10. Maine
  11. Alaska
  12. North Carolina
  13. Wyoming
  14. Idaho
  15. South Dakota
  16. Texas
  17. Arkansas
  18. Vermont
  19. Georgia
  20. Oklahoma
  21. Colorado
  22. Delaware
  23. Utah
  24. New Mexico
  25. North Dakota
  26. Minnesota
  27. New Hampshire
  28. Virginia
  29. Wisconsin
  30. Oregon
  31. Iowa
  32. Kansas
  33. Nebraska
  34. West Virginia
  35. Kentucky
  36. Washington
  37. District of Columbia
  38. Missouri
  39. Nevada
  40. Maryland
  41. Pennsylvania
  42. Rhode Island
  43. Massachusetts
  44. Ohio
  45. Illinois
  46. California
  47. Indiana
  48. Michigan
  49. New Jersey
  50. Connecticut
  51. New York

haha new york dead last!!!..no surprise there!! people are fucking miserable up here!!

new york and new york city need to be separated for this poll

the three in the top 5 that i want to go to and live are hawaii, arizona and florida.

top 5 in the south… says something about how most people are happy when it is warmer
im surprised california is as low is at is w/ marijuana being practically legal and all

Par for the course.

NY blows and we all knew it, and not all of the US knows it too.

It’s hard to enjoy weed when the only people employed are the people that are not paying taxes, and state gives you IOU’s instead of unemployment pay.

BTW…D.O.C. is not a state

Cut & paste from Yahoo! FTMFW

Arizona is a great place to live. Yea, its fucking hot in the summer months, but c’mon…75 degress in the middle of January? You cant beat that… 99% of all houses/apts down there have central A/C so your set.

great! now we have statistics so everyone can know that NYS sucks my left testicle

New york is the Empire state…the guy making the poll was probably just a hater…LOL
New york rules…FTW

im tolerant of heat, cold is a BIG problem for me. especially on days like today when its in the single digits. im fine in 100 degree weather, but if its 50ish, im not comfortable anymore.

Yea, I agree. I hate having to start the car up in the morning just so you dont freeze your ass off trying to drive. Or trying to fix a flat on the side of the NorthWay in Feburary without catching hypothermia. :lol I lived in AZ for 4 years, and loved every minute of it. Theres so many things to do, that you can do year round.

I almost moved to AZ with my now ex and daughter. God I am glad I didnt, I would have gotten screwed over. I still want to move there someday. Interesting tidbit, AZ is the number one state for stolen Hondas.

LOL @ ny, this place blows my fucking dick but i love it


I love NY, AZ blows, Louisiana sucks even more.

Weather and taxes. It was 16 degrees today because of global warming.