Happy Armed Forces week!

i can think of more than a hand full of board members off the top of my head that are past and present military.

happy happy joy joy


Thank you all for serving.

Pretty much sums it up. If anyone is out in Rochester, I’ll be happy to buy ya a beer.

Thanks for paying for all the ammo, and helicopter fuel :shoot:

:tup: I remember them sandy days all too well

I second that, even though i cant buy it for you.

and I am glad it’s all over :slight_smile:


just because your a seamen.

+14.71 squared

Thats Petty Officer First Class Jaywonch to you fucko.


This is no way to treat a war hero!

Its armed forces week?

1 more year…

Armed Forces day…best holiday celebration of the year.
Because it’s also my birthday.

the sandbox is soon to be my friend…october it is and im off to iraq…wish me luck guys…

Where at in Rochester, I’ll hit you up on that one.

thanks to everyone that has served :tup: