Happy Birthday Kiddo

Lmao i thought he would break some glass, he didn’t damage anything that wasn’t already busted. They got an H2 and a challenger but they buy their son a $200 truck with a permanent price tag lol. Sick find hahaha.

HAHAHAHAHAH. That was fucking awesome. Spoiled fucking loser.

“you guys like making me look like a retard in front of all my friends”

actually you just made yourself look like a retarded…in front of the world.

fucking aaaaaaaaaaaaaawesome

actually…this kid is really fucked up

LOL I love this kid.

am i the only one who thinks this video was staged? (actually both videos.) no family with that much money (just based on the cars in the driveway) would buy their son a complete piece of shit like that. i could understand not buying a brand new kick ass car, but that was a shit box.

I thought the same thing too. They gotz moneys.

I dunno about staged…the kid would get an academy award for freak out acting then.

So would the mother for grabbing the camera.

People with $ sometimes dont just hand out things because they can…they want to show their kids responsibility and make them take a “harder” path to get things in life.

While I agree that truck was probably the last thing on earth I would buy my kid for starter vehicle…maybe the kid is into cars and they were going to paint it or something to teach him how to work on it.

Maybe it was only a starter vehicle for 6 mos so he demonstrates he could take care of it and not crash into things and then they would help him get into something nicer.

IDK, check out at 1:45-1:48, he once again shows his speed and being able to remove clothing.

They did point out that he wouldn’t have to worry about scatches and untill he got a job he could fix it. I guess I would be kinda upset if I knew my parents had that kinda coin and couldn’t even spend 1000 on a first car.

I kinda think it’s staged, but only because the parents (especially the father) let him do that. I’m thinking there would have been a serious beat down if it was real.

I’ve seen family’s with money give their kids P.O.S’s before. Not all rich familys have spoiled kids.

the 2nd one looks staged or something… i just find it kinda weird that he knows to set up the camera before his brother goes in there…and stuff.

Maybe he knows his brother will flip out at stuff like that and has finally decided to capitalize off it?

He tried sticking a remote control up his ass in video 2.

staged or not, he’s making a fool out of himself lol

That kid is such a spoiled FGGT. I would have loved that truck as my first whip. His pops needs to woop his gay ass.

“You guys like making me look like a poor kid in front of my friends”

You have no job and no bank account. You are poor.

Yeah what the fuck was that? hahahahahah. i want to see more!! There is one where he flips out because his parents get him a PS3 and not an xbox 360 I guess?

that kid is on crack…

NWS vid of dude getting his ass kicked. shit quality but good beatdown lol

LOL…I thought that guy was dead until he started moving.