Parents supporting the modding habbit.

so mommy is buying junior a 650hp car?.. must be nice to still be on the tit.

Last time I checked you used mom’s CC to pay KTA’s final bill and were still living with her so you’re not one much to talk shit like this.

Shawn, dubly good riddance. About time it finds a new home, hopefully a good and respectful one at the least. Hate to see it wrapped up in a bunch somewhere.

and my cash paid every cent of those credit card bills. on top of the fact i pay rent to live here… my cards didnt have a high enough credit limit to pay those bills ADAM. mommy buying junior a car and me using her card to pay KTA arent the same… :nono

…and what’s to say this kid isn’t doing the exact same thing Travis…huh!!! You have a bad habit of being quick to punch others before facts are truely known :idiots

Shawn, there’s always the chance for others. It’s what I told myself when I scrapped my beloved cars of the past, namely the dodge. In the end it always turned into better and/or more fun things.

:enter popcorn smiley here:

Adam :stfu Travis

:bowdown Adam

Absolutely amazing thread.

the more you type the more you prove how much of a [ :nono ] you are.

Vovchandr Edit : Watch the name calling Travis… again

Please [ :nono ] - explain what part of that post proves me to be a “scumbag”? Jesus christ you truly are the most moronic person to grace the capital region car scene. I’d rather read the post of a 16 year old APC fan boi…at least he’d have a bit of decency and intelligence about him.

Vovchandr Edit : rebuttal name calling, Travis drew first blood.

you continue to bash me on a forum… if ur gunna be 2 faced… at least have the balls to say something to my face than hide behind ur keyboard like a little [ :nono ]

I’ll see you Sunday :haha

I always found the “you suck because your parents bought you [you fill in the blank here]” argument to be a sad one at best. Who cares who bought who what, the fact is they have it and you don’t, sounds like jealousy more then anything. My parents weren’t loaded and couldn’t shower me with gifts, I had to go out and earn it and that doesn’t mean I hold it against those who didn’t. Here in the USA we won the lottery just by being born in a country that you can quickly shift from rich to poor or poor to rich, that is just not an option in the rest of the world, you are trapped in the situation you are born in. I have some insanely wealthy friends who have taken good care of their kids, while they may be a little numb to the value of a dollar they certainly aren’t pompous about it. As I’ve said before being and asshole comes in all shapes and sizes and what your parents have has nothing to do with it. If a 16 year old kid wrecks a 85 cavalier he bought with his own money, not much is said other then stupid kid, yet another 16 year old kid wrecks a 08 civic SI and people are ready to linch the parents. Talk about a double standard, bottom line is young males typically exercise poor judgement behind the wheel, and the amount of money their parents have has nothing to do with the risk of them wrecking a car. The only reason people even notice it is jealousy, they are upset that some ungreatfull piss-ant wrecked a nice car they shouldn’t have been driving in the first place. Though the countless accidents of young people who drive roaches is a subject seldom talked about. Making mistakes is part of growing up, and being wealthy or poor has very little do to with preventing or encouraging it.

P.S. it’s only “two faced” when I’m nice to you and then speak badly about you to others when you are not present. In this case I’m saying everything directly towards you. Just for clarification.

Well said timmay, I fully agree.

or when you are nice to my face and talk shit when im not around… which seems to be the case.

Only problem I have with parents buying their kids, and coincidentally inexperienced drivers, toys like that are when they crash them and sometimes die. Then the parents want to blame everyone else for it.

yeah well its a good thing the kids parents couldnt sew for selling them a car that was “to fast” and because of this it was “unsafe” :haha

:thumb Exemplary thread, top notch. Loved it, would read again.

:haha :nod

I am jealous if that’s the case. I grew up poor. I am all for people living the good life. The only difference is that some kids get shit without doing anything for it. Sorry, I don’t think any kid deserves a car that doesn’t do anything for it.

I think we had a great thread on this on the good ol’ APG days.

I’m not choosing a side now, but I’ll put Shawns argument into perspective.

Grows up poor, works hard for everything he has, makes something out of nothing and builds the car the way he wants over years and years. Now some young kid’s parents are going to buy his car just because he needs it gone over financial reasons. That just seems odd.
