Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all the fellow Pittspeeders. And be SAVE.

Heading out to the local club with my wife and sis-in-law, after finishing this bottle of wine. Cant wait…

PS, Yes I know I’m a wine-o…

be SAVE? did you mean SAVED? Keep your religious viewpoints to yourself. kthx.


el oh el

Happy new year to all.

12 beers, 1 irish car bomb, a flamin dr pepper and 4 shots later, happy new year

one wife, one 3 month baby… asleep before midnight, lol

Happy New year everyone

We had some friends over, stayed home & watched The Dark Knight, Played Wii & ate Joio’s Pizza. We had a great time & it was an easy drive home :slight_smile:

It’s tough to go out with a 2 year old. Much safer to stay home.

happy new year everyone. i was in bed by 8, watched some saving private ryan on tnt and that put me right down

Nice mellow night at my buddys house. Shot guns, had a fire, and played with a chainsaw. Typical night in the sticks I guess, but this city boy had a blast keeping it simple.

Just went to a buddy’s apartment from college and hung out with him and his wife and some other housemates from back in college. Only stayed until like 11. Came home to watch the ball drop and then went to sleep. Hopefully everyone had a safe night.

I had a nice “save” night at home with the kids

my newe years resolustion is to stop drinking

so is mine but im drunk, so ill start the ny resolution later. lol

safe. i mean unless you gave someone cpr then maybe it was a SAVE night :finger:

A guy gets a little drunk, and misspells a word, even though he used spell check, and this is the thanks he gets… LOL

be save now!!!


would you expect anything less???