Happy new years plans?

first off happy NEW YEARS

i saw that we already had a what did you do for 2009, so i want to continue on with tradition what do you want/or are going to do for 2010

i`ll go first:
finish 240 and do some drift events
possibly go military(already in the door)
if not military then school again

well thats my shit back to liqur PeaaCe

I’ll go Second:
Finish Highschool
Finish my 240project + get it on the road
Start College

So far thats all i want and there’s alot more i want to do. I’ll go back 2 Dj’ing for the family+ liqur :slight_smile:

Happy New Year

Eat… Sleep… BOOZE!!!

ps. finish the exhaust after 3 days of work.

I am going to start small:
-have my day court
-Learn more about cars
-Research aero
-Sort my life

Solve world hunger lol screw that back to the booze happy new year everyone!!

Ftw 12:01 hppy nwyers

Happy New Years pimps and hoes

My 2010 goals:

finish college
pay off debts
get pilots licences
see where I get with police
lose more weight, or get more ripped
not beat up anybody
get career set up

I want to pay off my debts.

I want to not have car problems.

I want to achieve 7% bf and 195lbs weight.

Highly unlikely: I want to finish off suspension work i have in mind for my 240, redo chassis/body work/aero (real downforce generating aero not looky look aero), do the LS2/T56 swap, get bigger wheels/tires, maybe get a higher paying job/position.

God willing even more settled… that is all I suppose.

Visit makkah and madina.

Help my wife finish her school.

I dont celebrate new years or christmas but I hope to achieve the above or at least some portions of it…

Dunno where the 2009 thread is but I dropped from 42" waist to 30" waist, from 236lbs to 165-175lbs (it goes up and down) and 13% bf.

I got a new job which kicks ass but unfortunately is really far and I need more monies now due to circumstances :frowning:

I bought a dsm as a winter/daily… my formerly dream car of high school lol… and its already cost me a shit load face palm… my other family car died sigh… cant wait until summer to just drive the 240… it never breaks, and has everything almost replaced new… it only breaks when i break it lol.

And right now i just want the noise to stop, the retards above me must have sledge hammers to beat on walls and dont know how to talk but instead scream. I cant wait until their drunk asses drop dead silent… I wana sleep just did an 11 hour shift for year end reporting.

time for me to finish school
work for Sunny Brook Hospital
more cardio exercise
pop bottles
sky dive/base jumping

i wanna go skydiving too ^, we should have a son meet in the summer for that and maybe get a massive discount if numbers show

my goal for 2010…

get rich. hit up the track everyday.

move to ottawa
get a better job there
find a girl that’s not a complete bitch.

oh, and about 5’3, C cup, 125lbs, and brown hair preferably green eyes. lol, anyone wanna refer me to a late christmas gift? :wink:

tried that before not enough ppl

bang bitches

My News Years resolutions are:
Lose 100 lbs.
Stop smoking weed.
No fast food.
Gym every two days.
Part out the 240.

All starting today.
I really hope I succeed, its gunna be a lot of effort, but it’ll be worth it in the end.
My debt isn’t really even on my list.

I can give you advice on nutrition and workout regiment but you must be disciplined :slight_smile: PM me. I’ve lost 125lbs since may 2008 (post-marriage super mega fatass upgrade). If I knew what I know now I coulda kept alot of my muscle and just cut on the fat :slight_smile: You don’t have to be in the gym 3 hours and every day or every second day or whatever heh…it can be counter productive even though most of us still have a high testesterone level, recovery level, etc…

lol someone was on son at 11:53 and then at 12:03, god damn people!

lol i was at work until 12. That cat is awesome in ur signature haha… so cute

Haha, I lol’ed at that. Im just recovering now… Happy new years…

Anyways, I want to complete my rb swap
Attempt to hit the track and drift haha
Try harder in University and stop wasting time on son
New job

Pay my debt
Move out of quebec