New Years Resolutions

Let’s hear em.

Mine’s not so much a New Year’s Resolution, but the timing is about right as I’ve been working on it for a month and have until February: I’m going to be in better shape when I turn 27 than I was when I turned 26.

Be nice to people on NYSpeed

I don’t make New Years resolutions because I make resolutions all year round. Either way I’m perfect as-is. :slight_smile:

Keep better track of my $$ is my main one, with getting into shape (other than round) for my 2ndary…

With both my knees going to hell, I NEED to get my legs strong again or I’m screwed; combined with a cholesterol of 209 the other week… I’m not doing good for 28, almost 29…

Set things in motion for moving to San Diego. Not necessarily move by the end of the year, but have a plan of action.

:rofl: call you butter cuz you are on a roll!

My big one is stop blowing money on useless crap that I don’t need. Had my fun working full time and spending full pay checks as I get them, now I had to grow up and be more mature with money.

Loose weight and be more active. I have gained 40 lbs over the past year and half from getting a desk job in a construction office instead of being out in the field working.

pretty much the exact same thing

i’m going to stop making fun of zong until he cries…

going to just cut back to pre-cry insults

Oh, and stop pissing away my discretionary income so that I can pay cash for trips to Dominican and South Africa this year.

I’m going to start showing up in Fry’s driveway more often

Im going to get ready to move in a year by paying off some bills, saving a decent amount of cash and getting more organized. I also need to get into shape and start eating better.

:lol: “WHO THE FUCK IS… Oh hey Geoff.”

apparently i was doing dukes of hazard style circles around that roundabout near your house and i didn’t even know. next time i’ll make sure to pull in also.

Lose 15 pounds.

well i’m going back to school, so that was kind of mine… i’d like to finish a half marathon in under 2 hrs at some point next summer too

That takes a year?

Cycle more in 09 then in 08-shooting for 4,000 miles, up from 3,400 YTD
Win 1 race in the NFBC seris
become a better climber
complete my 20VT swap into my 4000 Quattro
oh yeah-get another job

Of course these are not in order of importance

both of mine compliment each other. The first is to be back in shape and the second is to spend less than a third of my income on going out, usually on alcohol specifically…It’s gotten ridiculous

new years resolutions are dumb. if you want to make a change you shouldnt need / want to wait for a specific day.

I hate this time of year because the gym gets so packed for like 2 months.