Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! What R U Thankful For?

I would personally like to Wish Everybody on NYSpeed a Happy Thanksgiving. Today is a good day to reflect back on the past year, to Remember and appreciate everything they have been Thankful for. I would like to begin with…

I am thankful for gaining many new friends, and beginning a new job.

Please continue this thread, with what YOU are thankful for. And please, no BS posts.

Justin Marble

Thankful for my new friends at college and the ones I gained from nyspeed this year. I’m also thankful for chris driving me back even though hes sick! Thanks a bunch dude.

happy turkey day all

^^im thankful that freinds call me when theres a party goin on :stuck_out_tongue:

all in all, im thankfull that lifes kinda stable right now Benn a few shitty months lately

I am thankful for crocodiles.

I am thankful for a 2 term presidential limit :tup:

is a crocodile an alligator or is it the other way around?

Me too, it got Clinton out of office…because impeachment means nothing when dems are in power.

clinton was a way better president then bush. must people know that. bush needs to get the hell out thankfully this is his second term

Thankful for life even if it quite depressing at times. :tup:

I’m not saying Bush is great. I am saying Clinton was a tool that did not do a single thing but fuck us over. He did not have a single domestic polocy and did absolutly nothing while in office but not spend the money in his budget (hence the “surplus”), and go against the forign polocy of the US by both increasing trade with china, and giving them military grade technology enabling them to have a delivery system for their nukes. Yup…class A hero in my book :bloated:. He should have been hung for treason.

I am thankful that we still have people that don’t listen to everything they hear in the liberal media and think for themselves.

i am thankful for my sick new job and bitches gotta love um

In all honesty, I am thankful that I have my family and friends that are always there for me in my times of need. And I’m thanks for the cool people I’ve met here on NYspeed :tup:.

i’m thankful for good people and good friends. we all know that there are few and far between.

also thankful for a good life that i can never find a reason to complain about.

oh. and all you nyspeeders too :wink:

im thankful for “direct port nitrous injection, 4 core intercoolers, ball bearing turbos, annnnddddd titanium valvesprings”

i’m thankful for these shrek animal cookies my GF left here.

ROFLMAO, Best post ever

Thanks, but no one cares. It’s irrelevant to the thread.

ROFL deff the best

Way to high-jack a thread and ruin what Justin was going for.

:lol: @ the people bitching about me and not what anybody else said that was off topic.

I’m thankful for not having my head up my ass.

me n u are the only ones that went off topic so ah wat are you complaining about. meh im done