has anyone been to Munich during Oktoberfest?

As the title states, has anyone done it? I’m thinking of planning a trip.

I wasn’t there during Oktoberfest but either way you’ll hav the time of your life. The beer halls are so much fun and the country is gorgeous.

No I have not but I will make the trip with you.

I will go at some point in my life. Definitely.

I like beer!

I have been. but not during Oktoberfest. But the Hofbrau hause there is tremendous. it is the original. My brother and I talked about planning a trip next year for it.

have a few friends who have gone and loved it.

my parents went in 05 and went again this year 09 both during octoberfest. they do a decent amount of traveling… and usually its just “yeah we had a nice time” when they got back from there both times they freakin talked my ear off for two hours… they loved it there. my mom doesnt drink at all and she loved it there and my dad well he was there for 4 years in the army back in the 60’s and he def gets his drink on… and he loved going over there. they are already planning another trip over there in a couple of years… but at xmas time… so in other words yes worth your time to go to munich for the fest of october.

I was there with Mac’s mom…and it’s true she doesn’t drink…but she still swallows.
