Has anyone been to the PF at xgate commons?

Thanks for the input.

Guys, I weight 130 whatever the stuff they have in there is more than sufficient for me; I just want a place to do cardio and train for stemina.

Unless someone can tell me there is a better place closer to SUNY and for less than $10 a month, looks like PF would be the place.

the only tools better else where is the higher weight dumbbells though? Everything else is the same for the most part. If im doing some declined dumbbell presses ill suppliment more reps or ill stick with a barbell.

I dont workout there to look big, its actually the OPPOSITE to be honest. I feel comfertible using the weight I wanna use and dont feel like im being watched/stared at opposed to say albany strength where I feel like I gotta skip my general routine and lift insane weight. I feel like when I walk into a gym like that people are grilling you trying to see how many plates your throwing up and I just cant concentrate.

I was just fuckin around about the yelling, ill grunt on maybe a last rep or something but I dont go crazy… I have dropped alot of weights though and have heard alot of other people grunt and have never seen anyone get talked to.

Ive only gone to Best Fitness but I know several people that say PF sucks and they quit there and joined Best.

I know a few other guys on here go to Best as well.

