I was just thinking about this, and haven’t seen/heard of it being done yet. Anyone with any info on this?
Why would you want a twin turbo setup on an inline 4 cyl engine? I mean a boxer would kinda make sense… but an inline? Sinlge is better than twin anyway, unless you have some kind of sequential setup.
It’s been done.
but why?
i have no interest in doing it with my ride, i was just curious if someone out there had done it, im curious to see the setup
try searching next time…
^ that picture makes me laugh every time i see it.
I think it has something to do with the guy staring in awe at the hood pin.
ahahahah cal i never noticed that.
damn, I didn’t even see that guy, LOL
what the hell is he staring at haha
Maybe he dropped his g.f’s hello kitty tamagochi behind the headlight?
He seems to hate twin turbo SR20s?
C’mon guys, i’m at work and can’t do very good photoshops anyway…someone needs to photoshop-own this guy…
omfg lol, i seriously laughed out loud when i saw bing’s face getting sucked into that compressor :lol:.
…oh man that’s funny.
I have seen a Turbo/Supercharger setup on an SR20 before, on another forum. Looked pretty complex. Twin turbo setup is overkill on a 4 cylinder setup.
have also seen that… and have a video of iton my comp.
thing sounds bad ass!