has anyone noticed.........

downs syndrome

ahahahahahaha!!! thats what i’m talking about! he’s all sorts of fucked uP!!!

poor kid, i think he’s retarded.

wtf is goin on here? :lol

nah, hes got ADD, thats about it. he knows his shit about cars, the thing that irritates all of us is that he is a uber BMW/Porsche fanboi, he will make ridiculous claims like "my dad’s e60 525i lost to ramis mr2 because it wasn’t in “sport mode” " and shit like that. :lol

and he thinks the active swaybar/steering system shit that his dads 525 has basically makes it handles like its 2,000 lbs less and has a center of gravity .03" above the pavement.

i was just looking at the picture in your sig and i just came to the conclusion why your shifter broke that one day, you shift too fast. :lmao

hahaha i’m a fucking maniac when i shift :lol

Base model 5-series FTL. They’re slow as balls.

guidos dont care about that, if they made an 07 725i im sure they’d get that just to say theyve got a “baller bimmer”… balling on a budget i say

Is that really true?

Albany appears to be straight up thug now?

i past that mr2 today in g land…the 2 kids where staring at me and(the car) like i did something wrong wtf…

was this the kid at the lot friday in the lime green 518 motorsports shirt?

I would deff rock a 135i, cheap, quick for what it is, and its not bad looking…

twin turbos = secks

haha yea that was him

its apparent through the kids that go to colonie schools now since colonie is kind of the central spot between the surrounding areas… when i graduated there were only a few section 8 albany THUGZZZ and my cousin who is a senior now said last year the school was becoming overrun by the section 8 rejects.

:crackup HAHAHAHA wow this thread is hilarious!

135/335 FTW, 525 ftmfl. that’s a “brand name BMW”, you’re just paying for the nameplate. The 530 and up are nice, but the 525/325/328 are all no better than their japanese, or even, dare i say, domestic counterparts, that are $10,000 less.

HAHA yea i remember when joe and his dad said the 525 would blow the doors off my 335… :nono
i left his porsche 4 cars behind me even with that chip so how is the 10x slower 525 gonna blow the doors off mine?? :confused

joe: you N*****
me: ?
joe: yo were making a sick car
me: who
joe: me and jae
joe: im building it
me: nice
me: i bet it wont beat my beemer
joe: yeah it will kill it
joe: by 20 to 30 car lenghts
joe: guranteeed
me: oh really?
me: what kinda car
joe: cant tell you
me: if you build it i gurantee you it wont beat me
joe: nasty car
me: yup im sure
joe: it will run like low 11s with a stock motor
me: yea im sure
joe: hyundai elantre
joe: a
me: so your copying that guy you dumbass?
joe: dont tell anybody
joe: yeah
me: 100$ you wont do it or if you do it wont run if its done by you
joe: okay we already started
joe: im the best mechanic there is
joe: dont doubt me
me: your fuckin gay

he really does think hes the best at this stuff :wtf

EDIT: easy w/ N-bombs

is that 335 ive seen chipped or no?