has anyone noticed.........

i have the black one if thats the one your talking about and no i dont have a chip in it. stock as of now

:rofl :rofl :rofl

:lol clowns

100 bucks says he doesnt have what it takes to be a dsmer

can i drive it please??? :ninja

if you wanna

Must be all that black smoke he’s inhaling :lol

hell yeah that would be the shit. my e36 is still layed up. need to do some more suspension work, alignment, and windshield.

dude pete it’s nice, pulls real good all throughout the rpm range

e36 m3?

peak tq at 1400 rpms. i love the n54.

thats fucking awsome

a kind of back-on topic update…

hahahah thats funny

dj you know who that kid (joe) right …he’s big tony’s brother (yellow gsx) and you know how many engines and turbos he’s done though in that thing …one of the last times big tone fixed it put a storker engine in it if i can remember right … he let his little brother set the timeing in it … that engine never moved that car after (joe) got to it

That’s actually part true part not. The car ran just fine after he set the timing and the A/F on the SAFC, the kid who bought the car had a field day on the A/F ratios and it’s been fucked up since. The only (engine) problems the car has now is a desperate need for a FMIC and a good tune.

either way the eclipse sucked and still sucks and unless jae ha or however you spell it is gonna put thousands in it its gonna always suck. joe is good at working on cars but only in ceartin areas. he cant wire for shit. he blew my friend johns 2000 dollar amp trying to put his subs in :wtf i was even pissed for him

That’s not the current motor hess talking about. That’s the one that actually had potential. He fucked both up lol.

yaa the eninge im talking about was what the previouse owner big tony put in shortly before giveing up on it like 2 years ago

Ok, gotchya. I have had the pleasure of knowing the Giglio family for only 1-1.5 years now :lol