has anyone noticed.........

Wow, this guy is cracking me up :lol

lol that was creative. Hey, when you were sitting home, crying about prom 15 years ago, wondering if you were gonna ever get out of mom’s house, I’ll bet you dreamt of the day when you could have some kind of authority over someone, in whatever small way, so that you could feel good about making stupid fucking quotes like that retarded comeback. you should be banned for that.

you come on here talking all this Rah-Rah when you prolly ride a huffy, son. you join under an email account you made just to join, you spout of these threats of violence that you dont even possess a sack big enough to carry out, and you wont say your name. youre faker than a 10$ gucci bag.

dude… :confused… WAT?

nah sounded like you were talkin shit earlier. its okay though I see you are still scared of him. I would be, knowing that being 30 or having kids probably won’t change the fact that anyone from that group of people will still fucking knock you in your mouth.

you know how i know your gay?

you keep saying “threats of violence” , like you’re some dick licking, tree hugging homo.

and STILL go BACK to jail for it… didnt big tony just get out? :ponder yep… im sure he wants to go right back… retard.



hahaaa go to jail. Jail is fun. you ever been?

yeah, by the way, anonymous homo, where do you get your intel?? Big tony went to jail? lolololololololol

you thoroughly DO enjoy the assrape dont you?

uhh yah fuckstain… heard it straight from him at the lot last weekend… RETARD.

its probably all he gets

lol this is awsome :crackup :crackup

wow these are the best comebacks i’ve ever seen. you guys are gonna go to your bunk beds tonight with your fucking jdm sheets and be like,
“we told him! retard!”

too funny…

seriously bro, you need to check your game again. Family first right, right. it doesnt work when they are the party doing the provaction. first off, i dont run my mouth without a legitimate reason, i dont go around trying to pick a fight with someone. Mimmo and Tony, seriously bro, you can only cry wolf so many times, the day will come when they are sick of you using them to bail you out. they are also two guys who dont stroll the streets looking to fight someone, they arent gonna fight me, so you can give that up, why dont you act civilized. youre coming at me like i said something to you. im not 30r_logik, im not Pete, hes the one blasting off in those other threads. so dont come at me with all this jaw jabbering. you understand that?

“RETARD” is what you get when you operate a site to talk about “the lot”



dude… if this is seriously who i think it is… you are a true waste of an unnecessary cumshot that ur dad shoulda shot in ur moms asshole instead…seriously… you woulda been better off if ur mom had to fart you out on video for http://www.analcreampies.com … seriously… drop it and grow up