hate days like this

Well first off, last night was fun as hell… chilled with a couple friends, got real drunk, and swam for a bit since the pool was finally opened. I had been drinking rum and coke and was feeling good when we hopped in the water. sometime while in the pool, i got water in my ear but didnt think anything of it thinking it would come out shortly. well i was wrong… I’ve still got water stuck in my ear and I cant hear a goddamn thing out of my right ear. on top of that, i probably had too much to drink last night cuz I’ve been throwing up for a good bit although I think that has finally stopped. So I can’t hear in one hear, my stomach has the most nauseous feeling ever, and i got to have the privelidge of watching stomach acid and bile come up cuz I already threw up the food I had eaten… everytime I yawn or have to caugh, my ear explodes in pain =(…

baby :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. before you go to bed, stop drinking, sober up a bit, and drink TONS of water. That is why I can down a bottle of soco and feel awsome the next morning.

  2. Put cotton in your ear. it should hep wic out the moisture trapped in there.

  3. peptobizmal is your bestest friend.

Not being a baby at all :wink:
i never throw up from drinking lol. stuff just didnt mix last night well or something I’m guessing. the last drink i had must’ve killed me because I felt fine before that but as soon as I drank it i felt like i had to hurl =/

it happends to the best of us. st one point last night i thought i was going to be blowing chunks then it was odd i like came right down off my buzz and felt sober


ya I remember you saying you felt like you were gunna throw up…
in response to the thread, A. you have water in your ear it happens and I heard banging your head on a wall works well lol.
B. it’s called a hangover if you don’t like it don’t drink.
C. eat something mild and drink gatorade, your dehydrated.

Swimmers Ear.


Went to the doctors today… had a massive earwax buildup from the water not letting anything out… was the grossest thing I’ve seen in a while… but I can hear again! WOO