Haters gonna hate...

Mr. Bakerian showed me the thread.

That good?

Bakerian WTF are you doing over there anyway?

Someone posted a link to his site, i clicked it and went through the spotted page and saw R34 GTR.

prob showin off his gf in her panties. :slight_smile:


Wow there are some…reallly…niiiiice…cars on that site…

One tool says “I drive more than just in a straight line…”


I bet he hits all sorts of onramps real fast.

NAOW!!! imageshack please!

wow erngotti is such a fail

Fuck cossey cant drive around turns? Why the fuck did we encourage you to bomb through those back roads on the way home from lime rock

Wow that forum layout really sucks

Benny, please fetch 1flossedm3’s pics from OT…

No. Here’s why:

+move to virginia

Benny, you seem upset.


I can run 16’s…hell…I could probably run a 15.90.

Hey I solved your lame ebrake cable problem from 550 miles away son!

Subframe still isn’t out=no jclark happytime from benny

But who was there covering for you to make sure he didn’t die? Me. Yeah, you’re welcome.