Haters gonna hate...

whoa whoa whoa, calm down Nancy.

Nice, people have resorted to gossip on public message boards.

you say that as if it’s something new?

cossey you are a lame-o. for reasons completely unrelated to this. you know what im talking about. i am thoroughly infuriated by these actions, or in this case, lack there of.

First of all. Who’s fucking business is it of anybodies? Seriously though, do your lives lack enough luster? Your post had ZERO fucking credibility. Nothing needed to be said about personal details or whatnot, all you needed to do, was post a picture of the car if you were wanting to “inform” people of it.

second of all. The next motherfucker who plays off, criticizes, or tries to make fun of Cossey for things that he not only A, had no control over, and B, would take back in a million fucking years will earn the fruits of their words. I’m sick and fucking tired of every scumbag gossipy piece of shit who thinks he’s the best thang smokin’ to run their mouth about something they really just should shut up about it.

All for all of those piece of shit scumbags that are about to say something sarcastic, or witty… Just don’t. Shut up, let this shit sink back down to the septic tank, and let the dust settle.

Not One fucking person needs to add anything to this subject…AT ALL.

Yours Truly

then ban the scumbags and close this thread.


Everybody calm the fuck down.


Dont escalate this.

It’s wrong information and let’s deal with it. But going haywire just because somebody talked gossip on the Internet is retarded. If it doesn’t happen on the boards it happens in person. One way or another it happens and we can’t stop it.

The least we can do is set facts straight and make gossip people feel stupid, which is what we are good at.

Swearing, name calling and threats WILL NOT get you further.

So… Other than Ernie being Ernie and Jesse replying to Ernie, a whole forum gets condemned? That’s cool, I guess. Lol. Seriously… It’s Ernie. What more do you guys expect? But don’t hate on a whole forum because of him. That’s like calling all black people socialists because of Obama.

And Wayne, you’re fuckin cool bro. I wish I had a mustang that was so leet I could call people out with. Maybe you should go bend smmooookkkiiinss over your table top counter and talk about how badass roll racing on i90 is.

Don’t hate on wayne.
He’ll beat you at gpny.

Cliff, did you not read what 2 different moderators just said? Take Mk4 30r’s advice and stop instigating shit.

this makes me :lol but also :ponder at the same time.

I think we should sacrifice kramer

I fully endorse threats in this instance.

Physical violence is the only answer.

This works for me as well.

what the FUCK guys

I figure if we do this… we can please the gods, I guess we could just like cut his fucking head off or something

Dude if you’re so butt hurt why don’t you give the dude a blumpkin? Pamper his asshole and suck him dry. So I guess I’m not allowed to retaliate to the bullshit he’s spewing? Gtfo fairy poppins you gd sissy. Waaah instigator. Tear tear.

Follow up here.


wow, sorry to see that chris, gaygaygaygay. weve had our talks about the entire situation surrounding where you are now. i know youd give it all and then some back.

and p.s.

that website SUCKS! its awful!