have attorney quick update page 4

under 1k though? (allegedly)

i have two recomendations. i will PM you when i grab there info.

yes its under i think i dunno the detective was really being a asshole

wtf is wrong with you? why are you still here?

best of luck joe.

where did whatever happened, happen?

if its in western new york, ill hook you up with my lawyer. he just got me out of a potential life sentence, with nothing. hes good. and court was every month for 1 1/2 years, and i only paid him $1000 for this last case.

his dad is the supreme court judge in lockport, he can get you out of anything… he’s a case eater, and people dont generally look to him for anything else. so, if you can stand looking guilty but going home OJ style, let me know.

After the court situation is figured out I will explain in detail what happen. I will not admit guilt. I did nothing wrong and I will not ruin my clean record for a shitty company. i was warned by fellow technician in the field of the shady things this company does to get rid of employees. Now as always I learn my lesson the hard way.

petit larceny?


I wanna hear the life sentence story!

Take Hostages…

It is a bit different than just petit larceny…

there could be fraud charges as such as well…

holy shit Joe… I’d give you my lawyers number, but I don’t think he handles stuff like this.

Best of luck to you buddy :beer:

if you havent found an attorney yet…let me know. I work at a lawfirm. Best of Luck Joe. Sounds like you are in pretty deep.

My brother has been in alot of criminal shit.
b&e, assault,
destruction of property etc.

Usually they’ll find out where you’re trial will be held and outsource you too whomever holds that judges cock.

Sunil Bakshi, Best Lawyer I know, awesome guy. Gets me out of everything. 631-0004


Ask for Jim. Tell him you want a sonofabitch.

I made a post about my brothers lawyer he used a few years ago because i couldnt figure out how too spell his current lawyers name.

^^^^ but thats it. i seriously suggest calling that number.

I know, he’s amazing. He’s a good friend of mine also. Joe call him.

I have a SKS and some free time if you find $30,000 you want to donate to my education.

i told you not to be suchs a dick to me. lol


Yeah, I just caught that too.^