Have you worked for Lasertron?

How are they as employers? I’m looking to work there like 12 hours a week or so to pick up some extra $$ on top of my regular job… Looking to work nights (7-11) or so.

Hmmm my gf went there this summer said it was fun. If its the place I’m thinking. Lasertron = laser tag right?

Well either way I’m about to do the same thing & pick up a new 2nd job just for some extra $$$ to have

A friend of mine worked there for a very brief period…

He hated it, they made him do all the bitch crap; clean up after parties, clean the toilets/bathrooms etc.

Dont know if this has changed as it was many, many moons ago.

that sign is always out there

My cousin worked there, he hated it.

Plus screaming brats.

late hours like leaving at 2 am and doing bitch work my friend worked there and said that even at 9 dollers an hour isnt worth it.

my college roommate worked there for years, ended up becoming an assitant manager or some shit. a few times i stopped in to see him, and i dont know how he did it. remember most of the time people our age would go its late at night, but most of the days he was surrounded by garbage food and screaming kids with their retarded suburban parents. fuuuuuck that.

kevin… I’m not going to be able to work till 2am… unless I work 1 night a week or something… I’ve got a 2nd job and am looking for like a 6-10 shift (Maybe) or a 7-11 shift (More likely)

worked there for 2 days. most strict place ive ever worked

I worked there for 3 months over the summer

They are pretty strict, its hard to even get hired, they expect alot out of you, and your every move is graded, if you start fucking up youll get fired

The money is good though if you can handle the responsibility and expect to work some late nights

I got lots more info and would love to tell you anything you want to know, just pm me