havent eaten in 2 days....

ICU unit, had damage to many internal organs, so I wasn’t able to eat. I was on artificial nutrition (giant IV bag that give me the electrolytes/minerals/fats I need

thanks for the input jay im gonna have 2 try it

No problem, if you need any advice lemme know !!

Just caught this thread. How did you make out? Sounds like some serious shit.

i finally forced myself to eat a little bit thurs night, but i still havent been eating even half of what i have been…my appetite has sharply decreased, but i am feeling a bit better since i’ve been eating…just gotta keep my mind off of some shit and i should be fine sooner or later

im almost back to normal i did what jay said it did work in its little ways

white castle is mad good u have to go to one in a semi good area tho (they are all in the hood tho) but try your best

they are really gross tho sometimes, but if u find a good one, it rocks ! i can eat liek 25 burgers if they are good that day, and i dont even eat ham

the longest i’ve gone was 3.5 days i think, and that was simply because i couldnt afford to eat ANYthing at all just has some tap water

you know hamburger isn’t actually HAM, right?
