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So I was reading the internets today and came across an interesting little article.


IRS SPENDS $42,000,000 to send out letters letting people know their check is in the mail.

Thats right ladies and gentlemen, the IRS spent 42 mil to send you a letter letting you know that you will be receiving a letter… and a check.

You could build a couple pretty nice schools for that chunk of change. But instead we use it like this. :jerkit:

I said the same thing to my wife when the letter saying that I was getting a check arrived. Frankly it’s a small drop in the bucket as far as misappropriation of funds is concerned.

Misappropriation of funds is what the Port Authority does best!

I’m thinking I should be a bus driver…top salary was like $107,000 last year.

I first heard that a couple of weeks ago. when I heard that, I was sick. I mean, this info was all over the news for 2 straight months. Free publicity for the stimulus program, but no, let’s funnel some money over to the postal service since they aren’t having a great year…

wonderful! Got to love wasted money!

This really chaps my asshole.

$42 mil USPS Grant . . .

I care, really I do.

What they don’t tell you is how many hours they worked to make 100,000.00 dollars in that year. Not saying PAT doesn’t waste money but if you have the oppertunity to work and make overtime would you do it ? You can always apply since it is such an easy job .

He didnt note if it was an exec that gets paid that much or a driver.

Personally after riding the bus while going to school years ago, i swear they pull the drivers out of the mental institution bc these guys drive with no fear and complete disreguard for anything on the road.

They spend it like it’s somebody else’s…

While I was in Iraq, I saw the Airforce spend $15,000+ for sand to play volleyball in.

That’s right… the government paid for sand in the desert.

Who “delivered” it? I’m guessing KBR/Haliburton?

yep havin a goodday before and still havin a good day after reading.

Now thats funny

shows you how smart the individuals are that are running things…fucking idiots

:rofl: yeah, they’re real idiots. I wish I was that kind of idiot… where every “idiotic” thing I do makes me and my friends billions.

Paying for sand is ok. I wouldn’t want scorpions n shit in the pits while our troops are playing some v-ball.

$42mil is nothing.

that’s 14 cents per american.

quit being a vagina.

they could have given every high school in Pennsylvania $60,000 instead.

but then again, being a liberal :greddy:, i can see how you have no problem pissing away money for useless governmental projects.