This is fucking disgusting......

Took a good look at my paycheck today…

Gross YTD Amount: 16,215.57

Net Pay YTD: 11,788.97

WTF? I’m paying out fucking 27.3% in taxes and insurances??? (My insurances total YTD are only $157.78… the rest is taxes!!)


i love taxes!

and it will go right down south to help the looters who are using their relief funds on prada purses :ugh:

born taxed die taxed

you think that’s a lot?

add in all the sales tax you pay (6-7%), property taxes/school taxes if you own a house (a couple thousand annually), all the taxes and regulatory fees on your cell phone (ten bucks a month?), estate taxes, toll road fees, municipality taxes, et cetera…

i know this is going to sound odd coming from a liberal, but we need someone to go in and kill all the excess spending on ridiculous projects/services… so we CAN implement more needed “socialist” programs and still cut taxes.


Don’t ever look at my pay checks then is you think that is bad.

on a side note, I make about $26k tax-free per year.


Delivering > waitressing unless you work at a shady upscale resturant.

she does that part time :rolleyes:

I don’t scrutinize my JC’s paychecks… this is my paycheck from the “real” job.

Just think about this…

By the end of the year you will have paid almost as much in taxes that I’ll make all year! :slight_smile:

try commission. as soon as you get a big paycheck they hit you with the higher tax bracket… and then don’t reduce it if you have a small paycheck. $100 is taxed like $10,000. i always get refunds, but i’d rather have the $ :frowning:

Have kids… you’ll pay less taxes…

are you offering? no offense but i’d rather have that smoked steak than a kid if i’m driving out to latrobe

Ummmm, you make like $6K a year??

ugh… been there… done that… :ugh:

Waiting tables 25 hours a week I make around 9K a year (that the IRS knows about…).

a little bit more… but not much more. :slight_smile: couple thousand…

I make about 10 - 12 a year depending on unemployment time, etc.

i sold life insurance and stocks… out of the USX tower… but lived in Uniontown. not too mention i sold the most expensive policies made, which my broke 20 something contacts WISELY did not buy. i lost more money in car repairs, food, and gas then i made.

YTD gross- $24,650
Deposited into checking- $15,355
Deposited into savings- $2,700.00

Taxes are a fucking bitch!