how many people

are paying for college?

I went for 31 credits and i just wrote a check and paid for it. i didnt really qualify for anything when i did fafsa because they made my mom use her information even tho i didnt even live with her for a full year before going to school and since she made too much…

im re-enrolled and i need to do grants/scholarships. i know they are still going to make my mom use her information. so i really need some help with this stuff here guys. i have a son and i know that has to help with getting school paid for.

and the financial advisors at the school are bitches and rude. its the same lady 24/7 and you cant try to talk to her. its like you are always bothering her and shes very short and rude to everyone.

so does anyone got any pointers or ideas on what i need to do to get school paid for or at least partially paid for?

i thank you so much if you can help me!!!

I owe 60k to Aip. Sucks cause I’m not doing anything in animation, but having a hell of alot more fun with photography.

yeah i had loans from Keybank for my 1st year and i already paid them off. fuck intrest!!! fafsa said my mom made too much for me to get anything so i jsut got loans. i didnt even live with my mom a full year before i went to school and they said since i wasnt 24 i should be living with her and not out on my own in my own place. you think i would get a break working, going to school and being on my own…but nope!!!
i have a son now so that has to account for something, but ill probably get shit on some more for that from fafsa

I joined the Air National Guard

the tuition assistance, gi bill, kicker and bonuses are the only reasons I can go to school.
I was in the same boat, parents made too much to get grants but not enough to pay for school talk to a recruter. You could join for something simple go to basic and tech school during the summer and be back for the fall semerster.

no sorry, i have 2 boys and i dont want any chance of having to go over and what not. plus no one would take me. i got bad knee, bad ankles, bad back, arthritis (sp?) and tendenitis (sp?) in my right arm from sports. so i dont think they would even take me ha

Should of started with career link here in the Pissburgh area. that would of been my other option to pay $5300 for a CDL license in 170 hour course.

they helped my classmates too pay for it.

Should of started with career link here in the Pissburgh area. that would of been my other option to pay $5300 for a CDL license in 170 hour course.

they helped my classmates too pay for it.

i dont live in PA. im an ohio boy. Lived in youngstown then moved to Dayton and went to school at Miami University and I am going back to Miami.

does anyone out here have any real useful information for my situation? not what i should have done? (no offense) i took a year off after high school to work and then i went back to school and then i didtn re-enroll into college bc well im an idiot, but now im re-enrolled. so now i need some financial advice on what i should do for paying for school… THATS ALL IM LOOKING FOR

once again no offense to Lasylaser and Jimmay (thank you anyways)

and thank you to everyone else

who knows. ohio is :greddy2: especially with thier " 21,000 gross weight speed limit of 55 mph )

ohio is retarded. fafsa is retarded this world is becoming retarded. even tho i am 21, have a son, live on my own and dont have any mommy or daddy help they dont care. they say “unless you are over 24 you are considered a dependant. even if you are married” what the hell is that shit? shouldnt i get a break because im on my own? have a kid? married? (which im not but ya know) its all ass backwards.

i owe about 10 grand still to sallie mae, if that lady wont help you go higher on the food chain to the dean or who ever comes next over her

ive heard of sallie mae i think her or someone from there came to our school or whatever. dont they do scholarships? like all kinds of retarded scholarships like blue eyes, being left handed? retarded stuff?

Are you african american and section 8 housing?

no, but at this point i might wish that (wow never would ever say that) if i was black or mexican or poor id be getting paid to go to school, but since im a 21 middleclass white guy (well my family is middle/upper class) im poor :D. i have to suffer. ya know god for bid a 21 year old tries to start a life for himself and not live under mommy and daddys house. pay for his own bills. raise a family. man up. no they want pussy ass mama boys that will live with their parents til they are 32.

im ranting! and i offended anyone with the black/mexican/poor thing…well i dont care you, i everyone knows its true

Taken from the fafsa website:
The only way a student can become independent for financial aid purposes (which means the custodial parents’ income and asset information are not required on the FAFSA) is if the student meets at least one of the following guidelines:

  1. For the 2006-07 school year (blue FAFSA), the student must be born before 1-1-1983; or for the 2007-08 school year (yellow FAFSA), the student must be born before 1-1-1984);

  2. The student must be married; or

  3. The student must have a child or other dependents who receive more than half their support from the student; or

  4. The student must be enrolled as a graduate student (master’s, doctoral) or professional student (medicine, dentistry, or law); or

  5. The student must be a qualified veteran of the U.S. military or be active duty in the U.S. military; or

  6. The student must be an orphan (parents deceased) or ward of the court or was a ward of the court until age 18; or

  7. The student must have special and unusual circumstances which can be documented to his or her college financial aid administrators (i.e., abuse in the family, alcoholism, etc.). This exception is rare and only an experienced financial aid administrator at your college can make this “dependency override” on the FAFSA application.

You should be considered independent since you have children. File for fafsa as independent and as long as you don’t make too much you will get help. I made too much for federal aid, but I did get a state grant.

they made my mom put her info on it. they even question here and made her mail in a copy of her tax return. im going to call it what it is…

I paid off my 4 years of college YEARS ago!!

i paid my college loan off already, but im just going to go back in debt to get more loans.

thats really just the way it is. I think 1 out of 3 people are audited and required to provide proof of income.

FAFSA is the FEDERAL aid form. The school uses that information to determine your AID status. The amounts you get and loans available to you are based on the tuition cost of the school.

This was the first year that i was allowed to apply for my own financial aid without a parents information.

The past years i was forced to use my fathers information which meant i only received a few grand in AID. I had to take out 13 grand in loans for last year. This year, however, I have a EFC of 0 and should be have 90 percent of my school costs paid for!


at miami, if your over 24 your schooling is paid for…it kinda defeats the purpose being 24 and getting off mommys “dependancy”