how many people

if i was in that situation i would be a fuck off for 6 years then get myself ready for school if it was paid for

yeah ha. i went a year with out going to school and it was rough to get back into the groove, now i grad high school with a 3.8 and took calc and everything. doing basic algebra was a challenge. i couldnt even imagine taking that many years off

Has anybody here worked full time while going to school full time.

I would love to go back to school for electrical or mechanical engineering and have a shot at a job that I may enjoy but I really have no good way to pay for school without keeping my job to pay the tuition.

I work probably 50-57 hours a week but I can make my own hours so working around classes shouldn’t be impossible. I am just worried that it would all be too much to keep up with.

i worked full time while going to school. i was putting anywhere between 50-60 hours in a week, more if we were allowed to work sunday (gotta love double pay) but im going for chemical engineering. not too difficult by anymeans. (well i love math and chem) but miami has there “miami plan” which are classes you HAVE to take. and if your in CAS you have to take classes there too. its like in high school with classes you have to take. (so many maths, englishs, science, etc) and it just prolongs schooling which in turns makes you pay me… i love getting double fucked

i took 2 years off between high school and college then another between community college and RMU that i am currently at! The transition isnt that bad at all for me but the first semester at a REAL university was kinda rough!


i was lazy in high school. it came naturally i could see something remember it and be done. i could read something and understand it the first time. i caught on so quick. back at college i was having to go over things like 20 times and still bothering the teacher for help. by the end i was getting back into high school ways. but it was rough balancing working full time and going to school full time.

ya i know exactly what you mean about high school being too easy. i swear i never studied a day in my life during HS and easily graduated with honors. College though is a whole different things though cause reguardless I have to study to do well in class!

As for working full time and school full time i couldnt do it. I quit my job and have been living on savings and the parents.

I will probably owe about 20K when I graduate…FUCK

how old are you twofortysx?

I’m 23 and this is the first year I was able to not put down my parents info, so I might actually get some money.

I wasent talking about what you should have done.
I was saying you can still join even now, they have non deployable jobs like a cook where you get all the school money but make food one weekend a month, and never go anywhere.
I’ve been in for 5 years now and would never be sent to irac because of my job, avionics tech. I don’t know your situation but, I just thought it might be something you could lookinto, because lets face it white male, mid 20’s…good luck

anyways here is the absolute best site for money
if your serious create an account, you wouldnt belive what organizations give away money

The state has a law about what age you are means your parents still have to sign for you. Last I remember it was 26…

I owe around 24k for all 4 years I went… i think… been a while since i bothered to look at the statement online.

fafsa told us its 24. maybe its different from state to state or it changes but the past 2 times ive done the fafsa its been the ripe ole age of 24. (which is fucking bullshit)

i owe around 60… I pay about 900 a month just to student loans. It sucks but college was definitely worth it. Once i get it to around 40 then I am going to go back and get my masters! Then even more debt! woohoo!

x2. I owe about 35k and my wife has another 20k. Every month I think about what else that money could be doing…

To the OP, I would try to talk to someone else at Miami of OH. There has to be another person there that handles student aid. Be willing to take on some debt through sallie may personal loans or other bank loans, but keep in mind you are investing in your future.

Some have the drive and the luck to get great jobs without a degree from a university, but I honestly don’t think my career would be where it’s at without having that piece of paper.


First of all, get in touch and redo the Fafsa, and do it now. You are not a dependent and you need to push and insist until they get your status correct. Remeber, you are dealing with an agency of the federal government, so you are going to be dealing with a bureaucratic moron with a bad attitude, but be persistent. Once you get that squared away, you will get an accurate aid package.
I dont know what Ohio offers in terms of state aid, but in PA, PHEAA would cough up anywhere from 2-5K per year for somewone in your circumstances. In addition, you may qualify for a Pell grant, whichis federal, for up to approx $4K.
Sign up at
There are TONS of schoarships, MOST of which are need based, for which you will qualify(unless you are pulling down $50K+ per year on your own). It is tedious and time consuming, but there is money out there for people in your situation, and you need to be aggresive and go after it.
Finally, see what the school is offering. Most schools have need based grants. You will have to bite the bullet and go and talk to the miserable 24/7 bitch. Her job is to help you pay for school. MAKE HER DO HER JOB!!! Don’t take any bullshit. The key here is persistence. Don’t give up and don’t give in easily.
My second son is a sophomore at Pitt, and my oldest is a graduate of SRU with a Chemistry degree, so i have been down the path with them both.

Im 23 also. If you were born before 1-1-1984 then in the 07-08 fall semester you will be allowed to submit information without your parents.

You have “at least” one, you have dependents, so your age is no longer a factor. Show a tax return with dependents.

blackbelt is right on … it’ sad… when i was in my 2nd year of college i opted to take a full time job and continue schooling on the side (albeit full-time)… i was able to get fasfa squared away… but since, i’ve dropped to part time back to full time and have made too much money to even begin to ask for financial aid… i was smart enough (with the encouragement of my parents) to start paying my loans before they were due… i have about 2k left and am a class or so away from a degree(been goign for about 7 years…lol…obviously a degree isn’t my priority in life, it’s something i suppose is good to have :wink: )… the problems lie when you are no longer a dependent of your parent or when you make too much $… either way, i can attest that i’ve spend hours on the phone with fasfa and have had to resubmit my fasfa forms almost every single semester with something that has changed…

stay ontop of the problem and you will work it out… like blackbelt said… it’s a government agency so you can bet they’ll be less than eager to wrok with you and surely a PITA to deal with…

also, there are other methods you can take to defer payments… i would suggest against it, but something as easy as showing your income could put you below the line and allow you to defer… i know if you are still a full-timer you can opt to defer as well… i know i’ve done it when i moved and changed colleges once or twice… maybe ask fasfa for deferment options when you call…

i made too much to get any real help and my mom makes too much so its like getting double fucked. only way you can claim a child is if your the mother (which im obviously not) or paid at least half my income to child support. (which i havent)

No, it’s if the child gets half his support from you. That would make you independent. Then if you’re independent, your mom’s income doesn’t matter.

You can’t give half your income to support a child, the government takes half before you do shit!

fafsa goes by the past year. he wasnt born til nov. and we still havent gone for our hearing for child support. so to fafsa he doesnt exist