Having trouble deciding on a headset.

OK im looking at two headsets for my 360 The Turtlebeach X31 and the Tritton Ax 720. Reason for these headsets is obv. to better my game and not piss off Rita and others in the house with all the gunfire.

The Turtlebeach is wireless and that comes with the problem of interferance with wireless interwebs. I use wireless for my 360. Thats the only problem i can see with the turtlebeaches. that and the fact i need to invest in rechargeable batteries.

The Ax 720s are more appealing to me as they are 5.1 simulated dolby surround, they also are not wireless.

What im looking for is anyone who has one or the other to put in their two cents on this issue!


skullcandy …FTW

How so? Its like a cordless phone, it operates on its own frequency. So dont let that stop you. Wireless is alot nicer, and I game alot. I had the Skullcandy Ti headset, and the microphone boom broke. Its an easy fix, but there stuff is def cheaply made. I have a Logitech Precision Headset I just got the other day. They are alright, just not really what I thought they would be. I prefer my Sony headset the most. You really do get what you pay for tho. I have some other crap no-name 5.1 USB headset too, and its absolute garbage.

wait so you can get headphones that make you hear the game and not just the voices?

what the FUCK why haven’t I had this sooner?!!?!??!

So which should I go with??? The wireless Turtle beaches are on a 2.4hz frequency which is also what alot of cordless phones and wireless routers use.

Go wired, hands down. Just plug it in and go, no dicking around with batteries and wireless connections. It probably sounds better too.

The other thing is price, the wired are more expensive? That tells me something right there: wireless electronics cost more to produce than wired, so those Tritton must be baller as hell and have better quality parts.

Well I just looked at both, that Tritton AX720 is bad ass… but I think you would be happier with the Turtle Beach ones. The Trittons have to have that separate receiver powered, so theres another outlet. And it has to be near the console, so theres some space. Where as the other one only uses a USB port, and has a much smaller receiver. And the TB is $30 less. But if you have the space, and are that into gaming, get the Trittons! I would. Just sayin.

Sketch, I told you… the X31’s.

I use the wireless ones with a wireless router and have NO issue. The only issue I do have is when I use the Microwave, I think it operates on the same frequency. Shit goes batshit crazy. LOL

Benny: With the X31’s you can hear footsteps from pretty far away. Helps a lot.

Cus you’re a noob.

AHHHH IM TORN ON THIS DECISION. Mr. Woot how do yours hook up to your xbox??? What usb port do you have them hooked to??? I have my wireless adapter plugged into the back USB port only one available are the ones in front.

HAHAHAHAHA $110 for some damn headphones?

you bibahs is crazy

Yep it makes playing at night much easier that way your not bothering other people…

oh i bet, kinda cost prohibitive though, i couldnt bring myself to spend that much on it…you probably get what you pay for though.

It’s nicer at night, you can crank them up and it’s still quiet.

Um… mines hooked to a USB port in the back, the transmitter just sits ontop the xbox. I do go through batteries a bit, but I’ve been playing MW2 a lot lately. My controller is also wireless. But no adapter.

Like I said, you will probably like the Turtle Beach ones better. When I say I game alot, I mean 45+ hours a week. The Trittons are baller, but for everyday casual gaming, the TB ones are more what you want.

hmmmm we will find out on tuesday when i get pizzaid

I have the Turtle Beach wired ones. Actually, Steve is making a repair on them right now, my dog chewed through the wires on them. They are awesome headphones though!

I’m about to order a set. I know CodeBlue has the Tritton AX720, and as far as I know he loves them. I went to Best Buy today and they were out of stock, so I’m gonna order online right meow. Tirtton AX720.

Astro Gaming FTW + Astro Mixamp FTW x10

Screw turtlebeach

I have heard alot of good things about the turtle beaches, especially when it comes to COD