either way “Jon Carry” sucks a lot of donkey dong. not that bush doesn’t. they’re politicians, lets get back to squabbling about why J-Bodies suck
No, but my comment was in response to the “failed miserably” comment before.
To fail miserably would be:
- Economy at post 9/11 levels or worse
- More attacks
Um, lets see, I think it was when your boy was in charge.
First World Trade Center Bombing:
Not that your arguement is valid anyway. Pre 9/11 almost everyone (Democrat and Republican) was living on the idea that major terrorists attacks were something that happened in other countries, but not here.
Um, lets see, I think it was when your boy was in charge.
First World Trade Center Bombing:
I’m just looking forward to the day when I get to explain to my grandkids what “Social Security” was supposed to be, and how it royally fucked those of us “baby boosters.” I’ll probably do this at the required Sunday mass…
I really wish I can find the page for the people that are using the chance fo terrorist strike as a reason to vote GOP. It is more likely to die from a stingray attack than it is we are going to to be attacked on our soil in the next 10 years
lol @ slightly out of date analogy.
no that was the main argument in the paper, its was hilarious
Pretty much lol. I am switching to Independant because frankly I am sick of both Republican and Democrat bs. I don’t wanna be associated with either right now.
The air national guard is not active combat. You think that he just got lucky and stayed out of the war? Seriously Kerry made a mistake and hes paying for it but for fuck sake how many times has W done the same thing?
Thank you that was my point,
except I don’t necessarily agree that those are disadvantages.
But he was still in the military at least. Cmon, not to get into a Clinton bashing argument…but he was a draft dodger. At least Bush did SOMETHING.
I have Tourettes and can’t be drafted either way lol.
one of my favorite things lately is to hear people defend bush and trash kerry and his misdelivered joke … because it’s one of the only things that makes me laugh outloud.
or as some people type (while they sit at their computer with a completely straight face) : LOLOLOLOLOL
Hi and welcome to 6 days ago
umm no they didn’t.
They also didn’t do anything when bush said “The terrorists want to hurt america…and so do we” Because it was obvious he had botched a line in a speech and didn’t intend to say it.
It’s shit like this that shows just how low the GOP is willing to go to try and not talk about real issues
WORST IDEA EVER. Anyone who registers as an independent is an idiot and heres why:
PRIMARIES DECIDE WHO THE CANDIDATES ARE. The reason we get shitty candidates is because those are the people who win primaries. Only registered members of a party can vote in primaries so if people want candidates from either party that represent what they want they need to start registering dem/repub so they can choose them. Since America is in no way close to being able to support a real 3rd party you need to pick the party that closest represents your CORE VALUES. Then you take that and try to promote the primary candidate that best represents the rest of what you want. Leaving the major political parties because you’re disillusioned is the worst decision you can make. It’s much like the idiots who say “Don’t like the President? GTFO America” All you accomplish by leaving a major party is allowing the far right and far left to pick your candidates for you.
I know what you mean. As much as you all think I am as far right as they come, I am more moderate than anything. Unfortunatly, if you say you’re one or the other (rep/dem) all you do is get bashed for everything…as far as people see it, you are either hardcore right or hardcore left. I’m a moderate tha leans right.