hayabusa had sex with a chopper!

That is great! Alot of people could learn from him too. If you have a vision or dream, go after it. Don’t quite. Just keep at it and don’t worry about what the masses are doing. Because the masses are just that, Medeocore people that really don’t do anything except work a job for another man’s dream. It’s simple, most people aren’t willing to do what it takes to become great. That is why the world is like it is. You have a small persentage of people that are weathly, not lucky. They worked for it and acheived it. So they more than deserve it. He also obviously has his life right. You can tell in how he speaks. He speaks what he wants and beleives it. In a few short years I think we’ll be seeing Ransom Motorcycles on showroom floors!

Those bikes will deffinatly hit it off. I’ll deffinatly be buying one of those in the future :tup:
We need something new, same old stuff gets boring after awhile.