HC Turbo Manifold v.2

Ok, so I don’t know shit about VW’s, but wouldn’t any “V6” have 3 exhaust ports on either side of the block, and not the same side? Therfore, the earlier pic of the manifold is for a straight 6. So what am I missing here?

It is basically a hybrid of both an inline and v6 engine.

It was developed to be a compact engine able to fit in existing VW models. A conventional v6 design would have required lengthening the cars.

“15 degree inline Vee”

All intake ports on the front and all exhaust ports on the back.

cylinder configuration:


And how does this fit on that? Are all the exhaust ports on one side? I guess I was looking for a pic of the head, not the block.

All exhaust on one side.

Here are the intake ports, so you get the idea. Exhaust on opposite side.


to talent :tup:

i guess the h4 is out of the question to heh…