vehical: the turbo sho project
turbo: precision pt67 Ball bearing w/ external Tial 38mm WG
A) wheel well temps causing passangerside front brake fade
B) how much heat can a tial wastegate endure (see W.G. section below)
Mods related to this topic:
-Metal lower wheel sheild as the stock plastic would obviously melt
-Heatwrap on all exhaust pipes
-Cooking pot heat sheild around turbine housing - pot notched JUST enough to slide past the inlet on teh housing, not simply a 1/2 pot like the supraforums DIY shows
-DIY multiple spaced layers of aluminium sheeting to protect the bumper and battery and coolant tank from heat
-Above mentioned pot also wrapped w/ header wrap
Wastegate options:
A) as seen HERE (clicky)
shortest distance between 2 points = less pipe to radiate heat
vacuum line has to run past exhaust pipes
wastegate is in the hottest section of the enclosed area
B) below the compressor housing on other side of the inlet pipe
wastegate is in a cooler section of the available space
wastegate line is away from any heat, and a meer 6" long
Dump pipe is almost 18" long and has to run between the bumper and the turbine inlet pipe (more pipe = more radiant heat)
Dump pipe requires three 90* bends and a 45* to rejoin the exhaust
Bumper requires more insulation to ensure the paint doesnt burn off
Metal Whel sheild options:
Louvered, allowing heat to quickly bleed out
Solid, forcing air to exit below the bumper, away from the brakes (sorta) but also increasing the heat behind the bumper an undetermined amount
so what do u guys suggest ?
WG ahead of or behind the pipe?
louvered of solid wheel sheild ?