waste gate/ turbo help!

i “bought all the right parts” a XS power turbo manifold that has a t3/t4 flange for my garrett turbo, it also has a 38mm flange for a 38mm tial wg i just bought. the turbo dosnt clear the waste gate by 1/32 inch about, would shaving 1/32 in. off a small section of the hot side of the turbo damage it in other ways than looks?

theres a lot of pressure that is on that side i would not push it…up to u tho can you alter the flange on the piping?

is the turbo on correctly? is it clocked to where it should be?

i have checked everything over and over

edit: dose it matter if its clocked correctly if the hot side is bumping into it

also figure it is actually 1/32 of an inch for total clearance

i would get a 38mm wastegate 90 degree elbow to position the wastegate out of the way, think that would work?

Spacer for the turbo?

Is the gasket thickness correct?
Is there a gasket at all between?


shaving it would not be a good idea. not at all. like LXIFLYBY said try to work around it or shaving the flange a bit on the wastegate or a spacer.

can teh wastegate be that close to the turbo without damagine it.

tial has metal internals so i doubt heat would hurt it.


found something, thanks for the help!

bump, the company stopped selling these before i got an order in. i searched google, cant find anythin like it. suggestions or dose anyone know where i could find something like this?


Shaving off 1/32" would be fine. Have people never seen grind marks on the hot side before? Shave a little bit off the turbo, and shave a little bit off the wastegate. Its not like the turbo is going to explode…

i was gonna say. you could probably gouge an 1/8 out of the hotside housing without ill effects.

although XS power is NEVER the right part.

i ment in theory, all the parts that fit together. not the fact that xs power is your choice in parts.