heh, no shit.... does bright light make you sneeze?


Until I saw this, I thought everyone had this “trigger” so to speak. Must of looked pretty retarded looking at a bright light to get a sneeze out, to people it doesn’t effect.

nooooooo idea

That’s happened to me before.


when i feel a sneeze coming on, if i glance at the sun itll push through and ill sneeze


I thought it was like that for everyone too. Well its a yes for me same as Micah described.

OT: If you want to hold back a sneeze, push hard against your upper lip and annunciate ‘cabbages’ a few times.

I’m serious.

heh, I would of assumed more non-light sneezers

i sneeze from bright light (i have some crazy eye condition and bright lights are actually very painful sometimes) and from strong mints

Walking out of a dark movie theater in the bright sunshine does it for me.

its called photic sneeze reflex. If I’ve been inside and walk outside and look up I sneeze pretty much instantly. About 20-25% of people have it and its genetic.


im the only one out of all my friends that this happens to:gotme:

yep same here or any light for that matter

generally doesnt bother me…when i have a cold though it does really bad, if i see any bright light, my eyes will water up horribly and i will feel like i have to sneeze for a good 3-4 min, then sometimes i will sneeze, sometimes i wont. only happens when im sick though.

when i feel like i am going to sneeze for like 5 minutes and cant i will look at a bright light and then i sneeze. problem solved… so yes :slight_smile: