anyone ever get an eye twitch?

the last time i had one was when i was going to school. that was a little over a year ago. now its back and its drivin me fuckin crazy. i cant take it… i donno what is causing it. it could be one of a few things but… if anyone knows the general cause/remedy for it lmk please. i feel like im losing my fucking mind here.


inject heroin into your eye, problem solved (death)

when i was a senior in hs i would get a slight eye twitch when i smiled. it lasted about 3 months and drove me crazy. turns out it was a tight muscle spasming a nerve everytime i smiled.

I get them all the time for no apparent reason. Its weird. Doesnt drive me crazy tho.

It’s most likley eye strain. Direct or indirect light sources can cause it.

For example, while I’m on the computer I have a desk light off to my left. After some time my left eye started to twitch, and I was like WTF? So I moved the light, and the twitch went away. :tup:

I got one when I saw the red flashing lights in my rear view mirror…

^ stress will cause it. Even if mentally you don’t think you’re going under a lot of stress, your body will show it. (and sometimes you DO know about it…like when the popo is on your ass.)

I would get eye twitches if I haven’t slept well for a week. Usually goes away after good sleep on the weekends :smiley:

Stupid Final Fantasy… lol

That sucks, I get the same twitch if I dont get my hit of crack first thing in the morning.

eat some banannans

Stress can cause this. As can early symptoms of a few very nasty diseases.

i remember seeing a thread where someone posted pics of some1 having maggots in their eye causing their eyes to twitch

You also can get them if you sleep too much :slight_smile:

I’ve had one for almost a year. It happens atleast once a day. I just learned to ignore it. Unless people spot it.

It helps if you look at this.

^^^ i just sat here for like 3 min trying to follow the balls from the top to the bottom hahaha

thats quite intense…i never had an eye twitch, but i think im getting one now after looking at that lol

Sometimes my left ass cheek twitches

stress def. causes it… it’s not that noticable… my mom had that for like a month actually and they told her it was stress.