HEIL PALIN wow racist

You mean like how W. could have actually focused on getting Bin Laden, but decided to go after Iraq instead?

And this, despite Iraq not having been involved in 9/11, not having WMDs, etc.

Bush’s entire presidency was an abortion.

Um… in case you forgot, he’s a Senator, and has been for years. So, wrong.

And the first big decision McCain made was his VP as well, and he picked someone he barely knew any better than random people he shook hands while on his shitty campaign. Biden said that once, and it was in the very common part of a candidates speech where they praise the other people/person that could/would have had their position if they weren’t picked, for asskissing reasons. Don’t make it seem like he did a news special on the fact he shoudln’t have been picked over her, because that’s not how it went down.

When Gov Palin decided to put her family on front and center stage at the RNC, she opened up the door for the media outlets into scrutinizing them. There has been no attacks on her or her family by any notable democrats, just republicans accusing them to any camera that will give them air time. If Joe Biden had a 17 year old un-wed daughter that was pregnant you know that Mccain and some of the conservatives would be preaching how democrats have no sense of family values and such. I think it is wrong for any family to have to endure the “free press” of the united states media, but if she wants to run on the working mother ticket she needs to accept the crap that comes with it.

i think calling it an abortion is being too nice because an abortion usually takes care of an unwanted problem, not causes more than you could ever imagine possible.

Hmmm…you’re right. It’s just, I’m trying to think of something, it’s almost like I can think of another presidental nominee with no executive experience…

That’s right! It’s John McCain!

So, what you SHOULD have said is “its sad theres a lady VP on the ticket who has more executive experience than BOTH nominees themselves.”

PALIN 08!!!1111one

The pathetic thing, is all you’ve done here is echo a Fox News/Rush talking point. The problem with regurgitating those in public, is that it makes you look uninformed. Then again, if the uninformed people stopped doing that…they’d be harder to spot…

Keep up the good work.

Very true. Besides, we all know a republican would never have one.
