HeliCoils Locally

anybody know of a place that carries helicoils localy? i think i may have stripped out the lower subframe bolt on my car… and well i need something that is a Metric 12 X1.25 or any M 12 bolt will be fine if i have to just get new bolts

carquest i think has them
or give hank a call

Usually motorcycle/ATV places have them.

I found some @ carquest in hamburg a while ago… actually, let me check my house later… got a whole package you can have if it’s the correct size (was going to use them when I blew my sparkplug out of the head, before using solid inserts)

yea… anything M12 or its standard equiv will work

12x1.5 is as fine as I can go. let me know if that is good and I will explian what I can get.

I helicoiled the valve cover bolts on my noobtastic automobile… borrowed the ish from JanCen. If you have the tool, I think you can pick up the coils themselves at Napa. It sounds like this is the case as Skrapper said he could get them :stuck_out_tongue:


Check Northstate supply on military… they’ve got All sorts of hardware

Advance on Sheridan

How soon you need it? I think I needed one so I bought the kit a few years ago and probably have some extra laying around.

I bought mine from napa when I had to redo a thread on my block. It was like 6 or 7 bucks and came with the proper drill bit, the instalation tool and like 5 or 6 helicoils.