Hello from Istanbul, Turkey

On vacation here with the family etc…place is pretty fat, check out the hotel…I’ll try and get some picts up from the camera when I have a chance:


nice, but wtf is there to see in turkey that it’s worth going all the way over there??? :dunno:

take pics, be safe, bring back some turkish coffee

You are pretty brave. I wouldn’t set foot in the middle east. There are some crazy bastards over there.

watch a galatasary game

Istanbul is a sweet city…i was there about 2 years ago. make sure you visit the old city on the european side and walk around over there. there’s a lot of history and interesting stuff to see.

f that, as of now, my arse wouldn’t be goin over there for a million bucks!!! :eek2:

how about for a snickers?

if anyone asks, say your from Canada.

what’s the time zone over there? 9 hrs ahead? :nuts: bring back some more chocolate that has gaudy graphic designs on the label…and keep the siberian raviolie there it’s taking up room for the wild turkey…lol have a good time

he’s a gobbler so he went to turkey!

for real. As well traveled as I’d like to be, now is def not a good time to be going oversees unless your riding with 10 tons of stfu and 250,000 rounds of 60 cal pl0wn@ge

awesome val, i love it over there. my mom actually just got back from a month in turkey. are you planning to go to anywhere else besides istanbul?

hookah bar?

haha, just got back, the flight does suck if you don’t sleep on it, saw V for Vandetta (which was a pretty good movie amongst a ton of other rubbish)

yeah the country is near some not so favorable others, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, but they are just neighboring countries no fighting in Turkey that I saw…Istanbul was pretty cool, it’s a huge city estimated population of like 16 million, so it’s larger than pretty much any US city people wise, traffic was a bia, but the Bosphorus was cool and the old city and the blue palace and sophia amongst other sites…then took a trip to Izmir and Ephesus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ephesus which was pretty interesting…then went to the Anatolian region of Turkey (this was also one of the original names of the country but now is just a region), specifically I was in Antalya where the weather was as hot as it was here if not more plus 100% himidity so I got burnt to a crisp walking around old ruins of ancient cities while sweating my ASS off …haha… I stayed at a fatty place built with the thoughts/inspirations of topkapi palace hence the name of course: http://www.wowtopkapi.com/?id=6 tons of hot european women (russian/french/germans/brits etc) as it’s august on all of them are on vacation…all in all it was a very exciting and safe trip, I had a great time and learned alot as this country is predominately muslim but not extremists and do not propogate that onto their people, they have churches and even sinagogues there, yes they have hookah bars but it’s strictly for tobacco (from what I was told 1 drug offense of any kind and life inprisonment is served so there is no drug problem) they do smoke cig’s like chimneys though usually marlboro reds too, the people were all very nice and a decent amount of them spoke english in the more popular areas of course…I’d recommend this as a vacation spot to anyone :thumbup:


yes they are pretty good as they have 3 major teams in Istanbul that I found out about, another good one is federbache and the third team is JFB or something like that, watched a few games of both galastsary or whoever you spell it and federbache and both fun to watch, too bad I didn’t understand a lick of turkish :stuck_out_tongue:

you don’t want their coffee, it’s not filtered and pretty strong and served as an espresso, the tea was good though…they have black turkish tea that they drink every 20 minutes it seems

you don’t want their coffee, it’s not filtered and pretty strong and served as an espresso, the tea was good though…they have black turkish tea that they drink every 20 minutes it seems

Sweet val, if you ever go back you have to check out Bodrum and Pamukkale!