if youre not sitting in the concourse at the Ft. Myers airport right now...

enjoying an ice cold Sam Adams, then you suck at life. :finger:

Go you! No, really… congratulations!

:1320: :slight_smile:

darkstar still sucks at life no matter where he is or what he has.

Cherry Wheat?

Cream Stout?

cherry wheat is too damn sweet. give me a boston lager or a octoberfets.

stop being jealous of my youth you whiney old fuck


I am in much better physical shape than you could ever hope to be in and I am smarter than you are. me 2 you 0

face it, you suck at everything.

airports suck, airplanes suck, I travel to much. I remember when it used to be nice to go travel.

thats just something old people say to make them feel like theyre not so old… :rofl:

x2 27 segments on Southwest in the last year. I hate airports

nah dude this shit definitely sucks balls. nothing but old people and one ghetto ass restaurant.

I would travel that far away after getting the shit beat out of me too.

sweet only 2 more hours till my ride gets here… this rocks.

wow with u eating exlax by the handfull i wouldnt have thought there would be any shit in you to beat out? kudos for being able to relate though.

Just got back from there for a surgical conference in Marco Island.
Traveling out of Pittsburgh sucks. I’d still like doing it if we were a hub. But lately, most places I go for work are connections. Sucks.

Enjoy down there, man.

heh, the flight was fine… right on time, got in 30 min early, direct flight… sitting here waiting on my ride for 4.5 hrs now is killing me!

Back to be pool bitch?

you could panhandle to pass the time…


Man, I need to look up my flights, but so far this year I think I’ve done more than 27 segments w/ Virgin America, and a handful of United, USAir, NWA flight etc. This month I’ve been to Washington state, DC, NC and Vegas. And I go back to DC Sunday.

All I can say is, the world would be a far better place if Virgin America flew everywhere Domestic. VA 1st Class FTW!!!


how long you in dc? hit me up if you want to get a beer

Drive more than 60,000 a year then complain :rolleyes:

Flying >*