Hello from MD...


I also wonder whats worth the sacrifice for a life you hate. Certainly not money.

realllllly hot super model bitches?

Yes, I was one of the founding employees of the Albany service center, which started up and shut down in almost exactly a years time. The whole company went out of business.

Trav, how was the lighting and electrical work there? lol Before National Grid, I was a electrical designer for M/E Engineering. That was one of my projects I started before I left. Always wanted to go look at the building to see how it all turned out. Sucks that the company shut down. I learned a lot about it.

Good luck with the new job!

No complaints on the lighting or electrical work good sir. Now, the roofing on the other hand…

have you met my buddy? His name is No. how about asking someone who is current. im not active, and wont be active ever again.


Eclipse as in the software company that programs ETerm and Solar?

Eclipse aviation. http://www.eclipseaviation.com/

:rofl forward all military questions to trout LOL


anyways OT… (wat topic)

the building for eclipse was sick, i thought only that one center went out of business, but the whole company ? shitty !

oh well, idk how the hell we are gonna party on the weekends man , u have none :Idiots

Oh don’t you worry, where there is a will there is a way!

true that !