Wanted: Temp job

Hey guys. Right now I am looking for a temporary job, I will be able to work for 3-4 months. I am joining the Air Force and need something to pay the bills until I am shipped to Basic.

I have a strong skill set in IT, including Computer Diagnostic and Repair, Network Engineering, with basic HTML/JAVA skills.

I also have a very strong sales background, as well as some carpentry experience.

I am willing to take anything to pay the bills right now. Thanks in advance.

when u get a chance send your resume to drjetta@yahoo.com. I will pass it along to a couple friends see if they got anything for you.

If you don’t mind me asking what happened with your business?

active duty air force or reserves/ANG?

temp jobs, damn good luck… i’de suggest working for yourself for the time being because finding a job will cost you so much time / money its just not worth the hassle


Business partner bailed. Cost us our largest client, which was about 75% of our revenue. Needless to say, a friendship lost.

The ‘after hours training’ got the best of me (and my anus). Sorry brother.

Damn if you were a machinist I could probably get you a job at my work.

Any IT certs?

Where do you work? I’m a machinist. I need a job. Part time though…

Everett Charles Technologies, not hiring actual employees, just picking up temp workers through temp agencies as we are pretty busy and behind on work.