Help! 2004-2005 Volvo S60 R

As the title states, help me find what I’m looking for. 6-speed only!!!

I don’t want red…

That aside, I’m flexible with any other ext/int. color comb. I DO WANT the factory body upgrade kit, ie: bumpers/sideskirts/rear wing treatment.

Let me know what you can find. I’ve got NT Volvo looking for me, as well as my friend Brian looking (spanky). I’ve checked ebay, but most of them are automatics.

Looking to spend ~15K.

Thank you in advance. I need to buy soon, as I’m down to the Lotus as my only car at the moment…

i was looking into these as well last year. a problem that was noted to me by jaeger (mike), was that there is very little room inside these things. it’s slightly larger than a coupe. so if room isn’t an issue for a dd, then carry on, otherwise check one out in person before committing.

aah you stole my idea…good choice. Is the black MR2 still in paint/body?

Yes Nick, I’ll have it back in about a month or 2.

Rob, I couldn’t care less about the back seats, I love the car!

have you driven one yet? i loved it in pictures and on paper and was left wanting more after a test drive. i think i over-hyped it in my head. 300hp and awd sounds amazing, but the car is a pig, i think it’s close to 4000lbs if i remember correctly.

I have not driven one yet, no, but been in many Volvo’s with plenty less power, to know what I’m getting into…

I’m certainly not buying this car with the thoughts of 300 HP, AWD, 6-speed, etc. being what I need to satiate my performance car mentality. I want it bec. I’m kind of growing out of the tuner scene (just kind of, not completely), and Evo’s and STi’s are just too hard to find that aren’t beat on or modified. The problem is that those cars are cheap enough (or at least were cheap enough) where too many end up in the wrong hands. An S60 R was pushing 50-60K brand new. No kid is going to be able to afford that, nor would they probably want it.

I think the S60 R is perfect for me. The performance is more than what I’m looking for. Plus, to me they look amazing, yet are understated, and fly under the radar. An enthusiast may know, but no one else on the road really will, esp. cops. I also do not think I’ll have any desire to mod it, save for maybe an exhaust and a chip.

Also, it’s classy, safe, comfortable, reliable, and just so many other things that I find appealling. It’s also incredibly rare, and odd, from this company, and for anyone that knows me, it’s really right up my alley…

ha many of the same reasons i decided to go with my s4 avant.

anyway they are awesome looking cars kinda tough to find a 6spd tho…gl

Great choice, I love the S60R.

Thanks guys…now help me find one!!!

I think my friend out here is looking to sell his soon but you would have to ship it from Seattle. I will see him next Saturday if you want me to ask him what he wants for it. His is like MINT though like not stone chips and ~30k miles. That is the best I have for ya.

I saw a wagon by the Newman Chapel by UB while biking today! It was a 6 speed!


Hmm…Seattle is a far trek man…his is an 04 or 05? Or newer?

Plus I’m trying to spend 15 ish, but not really any more than that including tax, title, reg. etc…his sounds too nice to be in that price range…

I figure with what they’re going for on ebay, that should be very possible. But it’s ebay, and that makes me a tit bit worried…

I think his is an 05. I am not sure what he wants out of it but I know he is trying to get some new AMG benz. It is grey/silver with the cream colored interior. I can e-mail him if you want. Shipping a car from here is about a g and for a car that you know is cleam that ios 100% worth it. I think he will sell it cheap as I know he almost traded it in a few weeks ago.


God I feel in love with these after my mom bought a 02 S60 T5 M5

A quick auto trader search turned this up. 04 6sp, 74K grey with black leather. 13K and open to offers. I really like these cars, nice choice.

lol such piles of shit.

Thanks for your input.


Let’s see… Slow, boring, bland, horrible interior, high cost of repair, poor handling, AWD, and overpriced. Seems like a great combo to me!

300 hp they can’t be that slow for a DD.

AWD is a bonus we live in NYS.

I like volvo interiors, and the s60 is far from bland with the factory body kit.

What else do you have in mind MPD?