Help a no-kill animal shelter out...

Not that they all don’t deserve it… but check this out and please click…

Written by a friend of mine :

Hi! One of my dearest friends, Robyn Hendrix works for a non-kill animal shelter in NJ and there is a contest through that one favorite shelter (chosen by YOU) wins $10,000 for the animals. Robyn makes almost no money, seriously I mean she practically works for free and she is so dedicated (6 days a week always, 7 quite often).

When we went to Costa Rica, while I was surfing and lounging by the beach Robyn and Amy spent an entire day of vary rare time off in a make-shift clinic helping a traveling vet spay and neuter local pets to control the population for people with dogs and cats who can’t otherwise afford it, not to mention she came with a suitcse of supplies and meds and would run around grabbing strays we’d see on the steet giving them flea and tic and heartworm medication to try and help keep them healthy. The shelter even sent someone to New Orleans after the flooding to help with animal rescue efforts there. They do a lot of amazing things, every single day.

Anyway Robyn is truly an angel, as are ALL the staff at RBARI and one of the most selfless people I’ve ever met. if you have a chance, actually, just please make the time right now and click on the link below and vote for RBARI, it literally took me under a minute. AND if you could pass the link on to anyone you know and ask them to vote. The $10,000 will go toward helping SO MANY animals. Thank you. All my love. N



I voted, but this got me thinking. Every time I go to petco to get food/litter I end up donating a dollar to animal shelters, yet I don’t think I have ever really donated money to help out humans. I just wonder how many other people out there wouldn’t think twice about saving an animal, yet do nothing to help their fellow man out.


animals will rarely try to kill you or rape your daughters







Voted and this is one of my long term goals when I retire.To run a non profit animal shelter


Thanks guys.


because a domesticated animal really can’t help itself in the wild, and is probably there in the first place because a piece of shit person didn’t/couldn’t care for the anaimal.

I donate to charity’s all the time, but if it came down to donating a bag of food to an animal shelter and buying a bum a hot meal, I’d give to the shelter without a second thought.