Save Toby

I can’t Believe People are actually donating to this guy.

He’s up from 14,500 last night to $15,000 Today.

Simply Amazing…

WTF!!! oh man… what will americans think of next!

I wish I had thought of that. I bet he’s tasty too :yumyum:

That is so nuts. Im gonna take the cutest, err, puppy and say im going to eat him if I dont recieve $100,000 bucks.

lol hassenpfeffer, just like bugs bunny!!!

smart kid, its probably his sisters rabbit and his parents have no idea what hes doing, but hey, hes already gotten 15000.

welcome to last month

I’m sure the aspca are huge fans of this…

Ha, this is so ironic. My uncle just told me that my father-in-law is going to eat the rabbit he’s been taking care of! If i’m around when it’s cooked i’ll eat a bit or two…

meat is meat
its just that some animals are more socially acceptable to eat than others.

the only thing stopping people from eating the family cat is social acceptance…

thats horrible,

i just donated $600

common guys, lets save that rabbit

I’d pay 200 bucks to see him eat it :twisted:

many cultures out there do eat cats and dogs
rabbit on the other hand is not so uncommon to serve .so i don’t see the big deal with this “Toby” - i say let the man eat!

Rabbit is awesome on the BBQ!

Honestly, no one here has ever eatin rabbit before?

I think rabbit is very tasty. But he’s playing with emotion by giving it a name, and making it sound all cute and hurt and all. I agree, let the guy eat it, toby’s a good meal. and some poor folks are falling for it. Wrost case scenario, the guy gets his money, and the bunny dies in 3 years anyway. sure he wont be eaten. but the don’t have a long shelf life.

either way bun-bun’s worm food. :expressionless:

lets get together and buy a lobster, come up with some sob story about it, and see how much we can make.

worst case scenario again, we have a lobster dinner.

I was thinking the same thing! :lol:


Okay that’s it! Im starting my own charity it’s called:

Save the SR20’s foundation.

All you have to do is donate to me and I will look to it that no SR20DET lays lonely and cold and left for scrap ever again in a scrap yard in the radiation cotaminated soil of Heroshima Japan.

I will look to it that every SR20DET gets a happy home with a 240sx owner here in North America starting with mine first.

So please donate today only you stand between a bunch of Japanese people abusing and kicking the crap out of SR20DET’s in Japan, instead of us doing it here. So donate now. Just PM me with your credit card numbers and expiry date or with your debit card numbers and pin number.

Thank you all so much
and take care.