I really think that it would be sweet to have a pet fox. I wouldn’t just go out and capture a full grown fox, that would be stupid. I’m thinking more along the lines of raising a baby fox and keeping it. They are part of the dog family and I’ve seen them as pets before. Infact you can buy certain types of foxes as domesticated pets. (not the red fox that I’ve seen however)
And it’s not like I’m looking to buy a monkey for my 3 year old daughter here, so let us be serious.
Dogs weren’t bred to behave … they were bred by the apparent aggression. The less aggressive dogs were kept were as the more aggressive were not let to breed, or simply left somewhere in the wild.
But trying to tame a wild animal is a poor idea. Its the unpredictability of them which is the problem. I think i would rather know I have an agressive pet and approach with caution at all times than one that just goes on a mauling spree at some random time it feels threatened.
Although a fox is little its not gonna kill ya maybe take a finger…
I understand the risk of raising a wild animal considering natural instincts. However, it has been done many times, and I think raising one from a very early age would help give it a chance. I don’t feel as there is enough risk involved to not try it out.
I have heard of a study, or experiment done. A wolf and a dog were both presented with a bowl of food on the other side of a steel fence. The wolf pawed and dug at the fence relentlessly. The dog, untrained, just sat and waited for the human to act.
Just one example of how domesticated animals differ from wild animals.
Why in the world would you want to deal with attempting to tame a fox when you could just adopt a dog at the spca?
Yeah, I think I’m going to take another break. I got sucked back in to read what you guys had to say about the economy, but now that it’s completely shit itself I don’t really need to do that anymore.