help blow off valve problems

when my car is idling the blow off valve stays open a bit becuase of the vacuum at idle … so when im driving a throw it into netural it stalls most of the time becuase the valve is stayin a bit open and like say if im idling and rev the car u can see the valve close … help im lost

it would help to tell us what bov you have

also can you adjust the springs tension if you can then tighten it up so it is stiffer.

your blow off valve should only be opeinign at 0vaccume. you can adjust the spring . its a threaded bolt out of the top or the side of your BOV. if the spring is set really soft it will leak on vaccum. if its too hard it wont open in boost. you should adjust it to blow off at 0. if u have a boost guage watch it till it hits 0 then let off the gas. thats when the bov should open. also. if you ahve the waistgate line after the throttle body it will affect it. you should(if you have a sr) have it at the bottom nipple before the throttle body(there is a nipple with a hardline pointing straight up) i have mine like that and it runs great, i once had it after the TB and it ran like ass and had weird boosting levels

I got my money on it being a Greddy BOV… as far as I’m concerned, their junk because the diahgram idea or what not that they use instead of a piston/spring is weak…

Buddy in town here has the same problem… his type R or whatever is always sticking open or opening on its own @ idle…

I guess you can say that your relief valve blows.

You want it After the throttle. When throttle closes, the pressure change is what causes the BOV to open.

How it works: The usual arrangement is to have the pressure side of the valve attached to the pipe between the turbo and the throttle, and a vacuum hose on the top of the valve hooked up to the inlet manifold after the throttle body. A spring holds the valve shut. When you are on the throttle, the pressure in the turbo piping and the inlet manifold is equal, meaning that the pressure on each side of the valve is the same and therefore cancels itself out, leaving the spring holding the valve shut. When you lift off the throttle, you have high pressure in the turbo piping, and a vacuum in the inlet manifold. The pressure on the bottom of the valve and the vacuum on the top combine to lift the valve open and release the pressure in the turbo piping, since it can no longer go into the engine.

I guess you can say, that you try too hard sometimes with your posts that begin with I guess you can say

if its leaking recirculate it and you will be fine.

its a rip off hks not adjustable

so this is what im going to do i have my old real hks ssq so im gonna take the adjustable back of that one a put it on the fake hks one a tighen it a bit and put the hks spring in there and hopefully the vacuum at idle isnt stronge enough to saty open a bit and plus my waste gate vacuum is of my hot pipe… i have a sr20det dun watch

sileighty yaya

Wow. So you run fake shit and then you post up on technical about your problem? I think no one should bother helping you.

I guess you can say, you just blew off your chances of getting help because you’re running a knock off.

That’s your problem.
When you buy cheap chinese garbage you get garbage.
It doesn’t matter WHAT it is. I learned that the hard way.
(note signature)

If that is so then why is the waistgate in its stock position before the throttle body?

Because the wastegate has nothing to do with throttle opening/closing.

Wastegate relies on pressure created by your compressor (if any).

When you’re boosting your wastegate sees the pressure and opens accordingly.

When you lift off throttle, your BOV should purge excess air (thus closing your wastegate)

wtfomgbbq? isn’t the wastegate attached to the turbo? rofflesaurus is loling at you

your a fucking bitch fobwall

Your name might be fobwall as well but you definitely ain’t the people’s champ.

I could use a waistgate. It’d be nice if a little fat was bypassed.

bov’s go before the tb, so that when the tb is closed shut, the pressure doesn’t go back to the turbo and surges it, instead if vents out of the bov.
some bov’s open up early, if yours is adjustable, tighten it down a bit.

all maf or afm cars stall sometimes with a aftermarket bov venting to the atmosphere.
This is because the air being vented has already been measure by the afm, maf, etc and is being released into the atmostphere.
To stop this from happening, you can vent the bov back into the intake pipe.

at least you see what im talking about.